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  • Metaverse for Intelligent T...
    Sarwatt, Doreen Sebastian; Lin, Yujia; Ding, Jianguo; Sun, Yunchuan; Ning, Huansheng

    IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems, 2024
    Journal Article

    Intelligent transportation systems (ITS) have made significant advancements in enhancing transportation safety, reliability, and efficiency. However, challenges persist in security, privacy, data management, and integration. Metaverse, an emerging technology enabling immersive and simulated experiences, presents promising solutions to overcome these challenges. By establishing secure communication channels, facilitating virtual simulations for safe testing and training, and enabling centralized data management with real-time analytics, metaverse offers a transformative approach to address these challenges. While metaverse has found extensive applications across industries, its potential in transportation remains largely untapped. This comprehensive review delves into the integration of the metaverse in ITS, exploring key technologies like virtual reality, digital twin, blockchain, and artificial intelligence, and their specific applications in the context of ITS. Real-world case studies, research projects, and initiatives are compiled to showcase the metaverse’s potential for ITS. It also examines the societal, economic, and technological implications of metaverse integration in ITS and highlights the associated integration challenges. Lastly, future research directions are identified to unlock the metaverse’s full potential in enhancing transportation systems. IEEE