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    Boris, Jeffrey R; Béland, Marie J; Bergensen, Lisa J; Colan, Steven D; Dangel, Joanna; Daniels, Curtis J; Davis, Christopher; Everett, Allen D; Franklin, Rodney; Gaynor, J William; Gray, Darryl T; Hirsch-Romano, Jennifer C; Jacobs, Jeffrey P; Jacobs, Marshall; Jeffries, Howard; Krogmann, Otto Nils; Lomotan, Edwin A; Lopez, Leo; Marelli, Ariane; Martin, Gerard R; Matherne, G Paul; Mavroudis, Constantine; McCardle, Ken; Pearson, Gail D; Rosenthal, Geoffrey; Scott, John S; Serwer, Gerald A; Seslar, Stephen S; Shaddy, Robert; Slesnick, Timothy; Vener, David F; Walters, 3rd, Henry L; Weinberg, Paul M

    Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 08/2017, Volume: 70, Issue: 8
    Journal Article

    ...many of the clinical registries in pediatric and congenital heart disease share clinical nomenclature for disease classification and procedural coding. During early childhood, a child is more likely to have multiple visits to the physician’s office, and children see multiple specialists throughout childhood. ...there are indeed many characteristics of pediatric care that differ from adult care. Name Employment Consultant Speaker Ownership/Partnership/Principal Research Institutional, Organizational, or Other Financial Benefit Expert Witness Jeffrey R. Boris (Chair) Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia-Clinical Professor of Pediatrics, Division of Cardiology None None None None None None Marie J. Béland Montreal Children’s Hospital None None None None None None Lisa J. Bergensen Boston Children’s Hospital-Associate in Cardiology None None None None None None Steven D. Colan Boston Children’s Hospital-Director of Clinical Research, Cardiology None None None None None None Joanna Dangel Medical University of Warsaw-Professor of Pediatric Cardiology None None None None None None Curtis J. Daniels Nationwide Children’s-Director Adolescent and Adult Congenital Heart Disease None None None None None None Christopher Davis Rady Children’s Hospital San Diego-Director, Cardiopulmonary Exercise Laboratory None None None None None None Allen D. Everett Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital-Director of the Pediatric Proteome Center None None None None None None Rodney Franklin Royal Brompton Hospital-Consultant Paediatric Cardiologist None None None None None None J. William Gaynor Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia-Director, Fetal Neuroprotection and Neuroplasticity Program None None None None None None Darryl T. Gray Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality-Medical Officer None None None None None None Jennifer C. Hirsch-Romano University of Michigan-Associate Director, Pediatric Cardiothoracic Intensive Care Unit None None None None None None Jeffrey P. Jacobs Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital-Chief, Division of Cardiovascular Surgery None None None None None None Marshall Jacobs Johns Hopkins Cardiac Surgery-Director, Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Outcomes Research None None None None None None Howard Jeffries Seattle Children’s Hospital-Medical Director, Clinical Effectiveness None None None None None None Otto Nils Krogmann Klinik Für Kinderkardiologie None None None None None None Edwin A. Lomotan Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality-Medical Officer None None None None None None Leo Lopez Nicklaus Children’s Hospital-Medical Director, Noninvasive Cardiac Imaging None None None None None None Ariane Marelli McGill University Health Centre-Associate Professor of Medicine None None None None None None Gerard R. Martin Children’s National Health System-Medical Director of Global Health None None None None None None G. Paul Matherne University of Virginia Children’s Hospital-Associate Chief Medical Officer None None None None None None Constantine Mavroudis Johns Hopkins Children’s Heart Surgery-Site Director None None None None None None Ken McCardle Mount Sinai Health System-Senior Director, Clinical Operations None None None None None None Gail D. Pearson National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute-Director, Adult and Pediatric Cardiac Research Program None None None None None None Geoffrey Rosenthal University of Maryland-Director, Children’s Heart Program None None None None None None John S. Scott Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense, Health Affairs-Program Director, Clinical Informatics Policy None None None None None None Gerald A. Serwer C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital-Professor, Pediatrics None None None None None None Stephen S. Seslar Seattle Children’s Hospital-Associate Professor, Pediatric Cardiology None None None None None None Robert Shaddy Chief Professor-Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia None None None None None None Timothy Slesnick Emory University School of Medicine-Assistant Professor of Pediatrics None None None None None None David F. Vener Texas Children’s Hospital-Associate Professor, Pediatrics and Anesthesiology None None None None None None Henry L. Walters III Children’s Hospital of Michigan-Chief, Cardiovascular Surgery None None None None None None Paul M. Weinberg Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia-Director, Cardiac Registry None None None None None None This table represents the relationships of committee members with industry and other entities that were determined to be relevant to this document. Meaningful Use Definition & Objectives (15) Current every day smoker Current some day smoker Former smoker Never smoker Smoker, current status unknown Unknown if ever smoked Heavy tobacco smoker Light tobacco smoker Illicit Drug Use The nonmedical use of chemicals that are prohibited by international law. listlist_itemYes/list_itemlist_itemNo/list_itemlist_itemUnknown/list_item/list World Health Organization (34) ▪CABG indicates coronary artery bypass graft; CAD, coronary artery disease; CHD, congenital heart disease; IEP, individualized education plan; NCI, National Cancer Institute; NICHD, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development; MI, myocardial infarction; and PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention.BMI indicates body mass index; BSA, body surface area; BP, blood pressure, mmHg, millimeter mercury; and RA, right arm.