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  • Barbara Stupica


    Provider: - Institution: - Data provided by Europeana Collections- KOSOVIR, small (Cosovirius ferus ululans); an interesting animal, lives in Kosoviria. Kosovirs are divided into curious and non-curious. They have brown fur, distinguished for its exceptional softness. They are adorned by a long, bushy tail which usually ends in a round tuft. In his mouth a kosovir has sixteen sharp teeth to bite into tomatoes, which are the kosovir's main food source. Kosovirs are mainly cute, sociable animals, but must not be teased or woken up too early. At such occasion they rage, scratch, screech and kohowl. The exception are non-curious kosovirs, which are far less common. Both species live in spoons on which tomatoes grow. They use the spoon to move through air. Close relatives: screech owl, dormouse, twisthet. Distant relatives: anything fuzzy, warm, vivid, naughty, and also lazy. The Kosoviria is extremely difficult to find, because there are no traffic connections, and because it is not marked on any map, simply because in is here today and there tomorrow. (Svetlana Makarovič, Kosovirs on a flying spoon)- KOSOVIR, mali (Cosovirius ferus ululans); zanimiva žival, živi v Kosoviriji. Kosovirje delimo na radovedne in neradovedne. Imajo rjav kožuh, ki se odlikuje po izredni mehkosti. Krasi jih dolg, košat rep, ki se navadno končuje v okroglast čop. V gobčku ima kosovir šestnajst ostrih zob, s katerimi razkosava paradižnike, ki so glavna kosovirska hrana. Kosovirji so večinoma ljubke in družabne živali, ne smemo pa jih dražiti ali celo prehitro zbujati iz spanja. Takrat pobesnijo, praskajo in glasno vreščijo ter kosovikajo. Izjema so neradovedni kosovriji, ki pa so manj razširjeni. Obe vrsti prebivata v žlicah, na katerih rastejo paradižniki. Z žlicami se tudi premikajo po zraku. Bližnji sorodniki: skovir, polh, zvijat. Daljni sorodniki: vse, kar je puhastega, toplega, živahnega in nagajivega, pa tudi lenuhastega. Deželo Kosovirijo je izredno težko najti, ker ni ustreznih prometnih zvez, razen tega tudi ni označena na zemljevidih iz preprostega razloga, ker je zdaj tu zdaj tam. (Svetlana Makarovič, Kosovirja na leteči žlici)- All metadata published by Europeana are available free of restriction under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. However, Europeana requests that you actively acknowledge and give attribution to all metadata sources including Europeana