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  • Miha Fras


    Provider: - Institution: - Data provided by Europeana Collections- Bartleby The Scrivener is a surprisingly current short story by the American classical writer, Herman Melville, known almost exclusively for his novel Moby Dick. Bartleby, or "the most famous story of Wall Street," is based on Bartleby's seemingly simple answer: "I'd prefer not to." This is his unexpected response to the request from his superior, the narrator, to help with some office work. After this initial defiance, Bartleby continues to counter all requests and demands with the compelling "I'd prefer not to" or "I'd rather not." This earns him the right to survive, that is to say, the right to passive insistence.- Bartleby, pisar je presenetljivo sodobna kratka zgodba ameriškega klasika Hermana Melvilla, znanega skoraj izključno po romanu Moby Dick. Bartleby ali t. i. "najslavnejša zgodba z Wall Streeta" temelji na preprostem (ki to ni) Bartlebyjevem odgovoru "Raje bi, da ne" ("I'd prefer not to."), ki ga nepričakovano poda na prošnjo nadrejenega, pripovedovalca, da pomaga pri nekem pisarniškem delu. Po tem prvem izpadu začne Bartleby na vse prošnje in zahteve odgovarjati z neobvladljivim "Raje bi, da ne" ali "Raje ne bi". Bartleby si tako pridobi pravico do preživetja, to pomeni do pasivnega vztrajanja.- All metadata published by Europeana are available free of restriction under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. However, Europeana requests that you actively acknowledge and give attribution to all metadata sources including Europeana