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  • Vujin Vladimir


    Provider: - Institution: - Data provided by Europeana Collections- E-learning is a complex system which includes distance learning, lectures, and classroom materials in various electronic forms; both individual and group learning process, tutor and interactive work. A significant and rapid increase in the number of users, services, educational content and resources required, face educational institutions and their e-learning systems with new challenges of optimization of singling resources out, with the demands of dynamic competitiveness and with the control of expenses of such systems. All this leads to the fact that the demands for development and implementation of IT infrastructure for e-learning systems are becoming more complex. By applying modern information and communication technologies, it is possible to increase efficiency, flexibility and cost-effectiveness of e-learning systems. Through introducing models of IT infrastructure for e-learning based on a contemporary IT concept of Cloud Computing, the reliability, scalability and cost-effectiveness of a system of educational processes could be improved. Insufficient development of scientific support in the application of the Cloud Computing concept in modeling the IT infrastructure of higher education of the Republic of Serbia and the strategic importance of this concept indicates the need to establish theoretic support for its more efficient development and application. With regards to this, the subject of the dissertation research is presented, based on defining and development of plans and activities of higher education institutions, related to the development of IT infrastructure model for e-learning by means of Cloud Computing concept. Through examining the existing and searching for new ways of providing services to students and scientific research staff, higher education institutions are faced with a significant number of challenges, mainly regarding digital identity and access management. The first and probably the greatest challenge is to prompt adoption and implementation of digital identity management systems. Successful IT infrastructure for digital identity management requires systematic thinking about identities and interdependence which exists between them. The second challenge is to provide support for a system which would be able to use all advantages of federation systems for digital identities management. The development of such federations among educational institutions enables mobility of users, content and services. The main hypothesis devised and proven within the doctoral thesis is that the application of a developed IT infrastructure model can influence the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of e-learning systems. The experimental part of the doctoral thesis is consisted of a research, directed towards the validation of the proposed IT infrastructure model for e-learning. Research was conducted in the Laboratory for E-Business at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences. The results of the research showed that the implemented model of IT infrastructure enabled the system of e-learning to be more efficient, flexible and more economical.- Elektronsko obrazovanje je kompleksan sistem koji uključuje učenje na daljinu, predavanja na daljinu, nastavne materijale u raznim elektronskim formama, individualni i grupni proces učenja, tutorski i interaktivni rad. Ogroman i brzi rast broja korisnika, usluga, obrazovnih sadržaja i potrebnih resursa, suočavaju obrazovne ustanove i njihove sisteme elektronskog obrazovanja sa izazovima optimizacije izdvajanja resursa, zahtevima dinamičke konkurentnosti i sa kontrolom troškova ovakvih sistema. Sve ovo dovodi do toga da su zahtevi za projektovanje i implementaciju IT infrastrukture sistema za elektronsko obrazovanje sve kompleksniji. Primenom savremenih informaciono-komunikacionih tehnologija moguće je doprineti povećanju efikasnosti, fleksibilnosti i ekonomičnosti sistema za elektronsko obrazovanje. Uvođenjem modela IT infrastrukture za elektronsko obrazovanje, zasnovanog na savremenom IT konceptu Cloud Computing-a, mogu se unaprediti obrazovni procesi sa stanovišta pouzdanosti, skalabilnosti i ekonomičnosti sistema. Nedovoljno razvijena naučna podrška primene koncepta Cloud Computing-a u modelovanju IT infrastrukture u visokoškolskom obrazovanju Republike Srbije i strateška važnost ovog koncepta, ukazuje na potrebu postavljanja teorijske podrške njegovog efikasnijeg razvoja i primene. U tom smislu je i predstavljen predmet istraživanja disertacije, koji se bazira na definisanju i razvijanju planova i aktivnosti visokoškolskih ustanova, vezanih za razvoj modela IT infrastrukture za elektronsko obrazovanje pomoću Cloud Computing koncepta. Preispitujući postojeće i tražeći nove načine pružanja usluga studentima i naučno-istraživačkom osoblju, visokoškolske ustanove se suočavaju sa velikim brojem izazova uglavnom oko digitalnog identiteta i upravljanja pristupom. Prvi i možda najveći izazov je kako da se podstakne usvajanje i implementacija sistema za upravljanje digitalnim identitetom. Uspešna IT infrastruktura za upravljanje digitalnim identitetom zahteva celovito razmišljanje o identitetima i međuzavisnostima koje između njih postoje. Drugi izazov je izgradnja podrške za sistem koji će moći da iskoristi sve prednosti saveza sistema za upravljanje digitalnim identitetima. Stvaranjem ovakvih saveza između obrazovnih ustanova obezbeđuje se mobilnost korisnika, sadržaja i usluga. Glavna hipoteza koja je razvijena i dokazana u okviru doktorske disertacije je da se primenom razvijenog modela IT infrastrukture može uticati na efikasnost i ekonomičnost sistema za elektronsko obrazovanje. U eksperimentalnom delu doktorske disertacije realizovano je istraživanje usmereno ka validaciji predloženog modela IT infrastrukture za elektronsko obrazovanje. Istraživanje je sprovedeno u Laboratoriji za elektronsko poslovanje Fakulteta organizacionih nauka. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da implementirani model IT infrastrukture omogućava da sistem za elektronsko obrazovanje bude efikasniji, fleksibilniji i ekonomičniji.- All metadata published by Europeana are available free of restriction under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. However, Europeana requests that you actively acknowledge and give attribution to all metadata sources including Europeana