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  • Ratkajec-Arbanas, Snježana; Zelenika, Ratko


    This scientific paper deals with the most important facts about the role of the veterinary inspection in sea transport of live animals in a systematic and concise way. The research introduces the analysis of great significance on sea transport and veterinary inspection. After analyzing legal acts of the Republic of Croatia and the European Union, the need for harmonizing the sea transport regulations and veterinary inspections of the Republic of Croatia and the European Union is printed out. U znanstvenoj se raspravi, na sustavan i koncizan način, iznose najbitnije značajke o ulozi veterinarskoga inspektorata u pomorskom transportu živih životinja. Istraživanje započinje analizom važnijih znakovitosti o pomorskom transportu i veterinarskom inspektoratu. Nakon analize pravnih propisa u Republici Hrvatskoj i Europskoj uniji upućuje se na potrebu harmonizacije propisa pomorskoga transporta i veterinarskoga inspektorata Republike Hrvatske i Europske unije.