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No. Journal title Year ISSN Impact factor
11. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 2022 1058-0360/1558-9110 1.457
12. ANAE - Approche Neuropsychologique des Apprentissages chez l'Enfant 2022 0999-792X 0.102
13. Anxiety, Stress and Coping 2022 1061-5806/1477-2205 1.682
14. Aphasiology 2022 0268-7038/1464-5041 1.252
15. Applied Cognitive Psychology 2022 0888-4080/1099-0720 1.159
16. Applied Developmental Science 2022 1088-8691/1532-480X 3.926
17. Applied Measurement in Education 2022 0895-7347/1532-4818 1.041
18. Applied Neuropsychology: Child 2022 2162-2965/2162-2973 0.823
19. Applied neuropsychology. Adult 2022 2327-9095/2327-9109 0.918
20. Applied Psychology 2022 0269-994X/1464-0597 2.787
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