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  • Transits of nuclear materials and certain high-activity sources through Slovenia in the last decade
    Fresh nuclear fuel is shipped regularly to Slovenia for operation of the nuclear power plant. Other shipments of (fissile) nuclear materials are fewer and take place at random intervals. An important ... event was the return of Slovenian spent fuel from TRIGA research reactor in 1999 and transits of highly enriched spent nuclear fuel from research reactors on their way to Russia or USA. In order to contribute to the nuclear non-proliferation, Slovenia, like many other countries, does not impede transits of such nuclear material. In the last decade, all together six transits through Slovenia occurred. Countries of origin of irradiated fuel were Italy and Romania in 1999, Austria in 2006, Romania and Hungary in 2008. There was also a transit of non-irradiated fuel from Italy in 2008. All shipments left Slovenia through the Port of Koper and continued their journey by ship either to USA or to Russia. All transits were performed by road. The only exception was the shipment of spent fuel from Hungary to Russia in autumn 2008. It was performed by train from Hungarian research reactor to Port of Koper. Involvement of experienced Slovenian carriers facilitated administrative, technical procedures and logistic. The physical protection was approved by Ministry of the Interior and assured through the police. A team of Slovenian radiation protection experts accompanied each shipment. Several shipments of high-activity sources were also in transit through Slovenia in past years. Last significant shipment was a transit of several PBq sources from Hungary through Slovenia to Egypt.
    Vir: Proceedings [Elektronski vir] (Str. 1307.1-1307.5)
    Vrsta gradiva - prispevek na konferenci
    Leto - 2009
    Jezik - angleški
    COBISS.SI-ID - 562160