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  • Vpliv zdravljenja s kaptoprilom na koncentracijo natrija v eritrocitih : letno poročilo naloge
    Jezeršek, Pavel ...
    Method for measurement of sodium concentration in red blood cells is good enough to detect differences more than 4,9%. We measured sodium concentrationsin red blood cells before and after acute ... treatment with Captopril in patients with essential arterial hypertension who have normal activity of renin in plasma. We didn't find eny differences in sodium concentration in red blood cells. Differences in sodium content were significant after three weeks tretment with Captopril. We concluded that this effect of Captopril is due to inhibition of sodium pump as we found in earlierstudy with in vitro experiments.
    Vrsta gradiva - raziskovalno poročilo
    Založništvo in izdelava - Ljubljana : Univerzitetni klinični center, Bolnica dr. Petra Držaja, 1988
    Jezik - slovenski
    COBISS.SI-ID - 7456473

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