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Inštitut za narodnostna vprašanja, Ljubljana (INVLJ)
  • Slovenski gostinci in pomen slovenskih gostiln v Zagrebu v 30-ih letih 20.stoletja
    Kržišnik-Bukić, Vera
    In the period between the two world wars Slovenians represented at least one tenth of the whole population in Zagreb. An important role was played by Slovenian innkeepers. They owned a number of ... inns, restaurants, coffee houses,pubs, canteens and even a hotel. All these inns recommended their services especially to Slovenian guests. In many cases they offered them room for social gatherings and other activities. The Slovene inns therefore turned into places of meeting of the Zagreb Slovenians, where Slovene spirit strengthened itself.
    Vrsta gradiva - članek, sestavni del
    Leto - 1993
    Jezik - slovenski
    COBISS.SI-ID - 773709