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  • Consumer protection in the European Union [Elektronski vir] : challenges and opportunities
    Ataíde, Rui Mascarenhas de
    This collective work is the result of the research carried out by a team of European legal experts. It is one of the results of four years of work that began in 2018 when the project ... JUST/2017/CONS/PR/CO02/0059 - Updating consumer and marketing law content for the consumer law section of the e-Justice Portal was awarded by the European Commission, in a competitive public tender to Mainstrat SL. The Mainstrat team has coordinated and managed team leaders, managers and correspondents from the Member States (our dear "core members"), working tirelessly together with the legal team, comprised of professors, doctors and researchers from three Spanish universities: the University of the Basque Country, the Public University of Navarra and the University of Deusto. One of the challenges by the European Commission for Mainstrat was to maintain a public database containing information accessible to all. The European e-Justice Portal is designed to be a one-stop shop in the field of justice, making life easier for legal professionals and citizens, offering them information on the legal systems of all its Member States, in 23 different languages. Within the project implemented during these four years (2018-2022), the 31 experts have worked with rigour and methodology, complying with a precise time frame. To this end, work has been carried out on the main European Directives that regulate the protection of consumers and users, analysing their transposition into national laws in the different Member States. A thorough analysis has been carried out, not only of the Court of Justice of the European Union case law, but also of the different national courts in each Member State, respecting their jurisdictional hierarchy. National administrative practice has been analysed. And it has been based on well-founded doctrinal developments, written in different languages, but adapted to e-Justice in accurate English, which has been the language of the project. At all times, the team has ensured harmonisation of legislation, maximum consumer and user protection and accessible information for all: consumers, businesses, legal professionals and enforcement authorities. With these words I would like to thank all the people who made this project possible. In particular, to all the European correspondents and the members of the legal team. Thank you to the management team, who have worked with excellence to coordinate the team of experts to achieve the project objectives. Finally, special congratulations to the European Commission for the creation of this section in the e-Justice portal, and for believing in us in the implementation of this European project, which culminates in this collective work as the completion of four years of joint effort
    Vrsta gradiva - znanstvena monografija ; neleposlovje za odrasle
    Založništvo in izdelava - Luxemburg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2023
    Jezik - angleški
    ISBN - 978-92-76-61984-0; 978-92-76-62083-9; 978-92-76-62084-6
    COBISS.SI-ID - 141479171