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zadetkov: 160
  • Passeurs d'ombres : les fem... Passeurs d'ombres : les femmes de Modiano
    Uvsløkk, Geir Contemporary French and francophone studies, 05/2017, Letnik: 21, Številka: 3
    Journal Article
    Odprti dostop

    After the publication of Villa triste (1975), several of Patrick Modiano's novels contain a storyline that is similar to the main plot of this novel: a man-often the story's narrator, who is also the ...
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  • A self-conscious art A self-conscious art
    Kawakami, Akane 2000., 20001201, 2000, 2000-12-01, Letnik: 5

    A Self-Conscious Art is the first full-length study in English to attempt to deal with the formal complexities of Modiano’s work, by reading ‘against the grain’ of his self-professed ingenuousness. A ...
Celotno besedilo
  • Shadow Play: Patrick Modian... Shadow Play: Patrick Modiano and the Legacy of the Holocaust1
    Morris, Alan French forum, 04/2019, Letnik: 44, Številka: 1
    Journal Article

    Structured by the work of Erin McGlothlin, Morris's discussion situates Modiano within the critic's paradigm of second-generation Holocaust writers, yet nuances McGlothin's position by invoking the ...
Celotno besedilo
  • "Au tapin! Saisis ta plume!... "Au tapin! Saisis ta plume!" 1: Régler les comptes de l'Histoire sur le terrain de la prose française
    Cadieu, Morgane French forum, 12/2016, Letnik: 41, Številka: 3
    Journal Article

    La synecdoque est le mode de reprise de ces faits referentiels dans la fiction; elle s'accompagne d'un traitement optique de grossissement et de distorsion, echo au fameux telescope proustien. ...
Celotno besedilo
Celotno besedilo
  • La magie des souvenirs de M... La magie des souvenirs de Modiano
    Tan, Ying Synergies Chine, 12/2018, Letnik: 13, Številka: 13
    Journal Article
    Odprti dostop

    En tant que maître du souvenir, Patrick Modiano fait preuve de passion pour le theme des rémirnscences des sa création littéraire. Dans ses oeuvres, l'utilisation flexible des techniques de la ...
Celotno besedilo
  • Virages des visions de Patr... Virages des visions de Patrick Modiano
    Goloborodko Iaroslav; Lepetiukha Anastasiia Neophilologus, 06/2020, Letnik: 104, Številka: 2
    Journal Article

    This article focuses on some peculiarities in the writings of the French author Patrick Modiano, the Nobel Prize winner for literature in 2014, and deals with novels that have made him famous in the ...
Celotno besedilo
  • It Is Solved by Walking It Is Solved by Walking
    Johnson, Michelle World literature today, 03/2018, Letnik: 92, Številka: 2
    Journal Article

    Because of the book's split structure, you get to see Lillian at a variety of ages, and part of why I wanted to do that was to show the continuity and consistency of her personality over the course ...
Celotno besedilo
  • Introduction: The Holocaust... Introduction: The Holocaust in French and Francophone Literature (1997-2017)1
    Duffy, Helena French forum, 04/2019, Letnik: 44, Številka: 1
    Journal Article

    In 1995, during the commemorative ceremony marking the fifty-third anniversary of the rafle du Vél'hiv', the newly elected French president, Jacques Chirac, implicated the broadly understood French ...
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Celotno besedilo
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zadetkov: 160

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