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Teološka fakulteta, Ljubljana (TEOFLJ)
Spoštovani uporabniki Knjižnice UL TEOF.

Bazi Knjižnice Ljubljana (TEOFLJ) in Teološke knjižnice Maribor (STK) se bosta v septembru 2024 združili v eno bazo TEOF (v COBISS+).

Zato bo knjižnica med 12. in 17. septembrom 2024 fizično zaprta. Z 12. septembrom 2024 bosta prenehali delovati bazi TEOFLJ in STK ter se tako združili v skupno bazo TEOF.

Za uporabnike baze STK se bodo podatki prenesli v bazo TEOF, zato bo potrebno na začetku malce več pozornosti in dodatnih nastavitev v uporabniških profilih. Obvestila o dostopu se bodo pojavila v obliki e-sporočil, dodatna pomoč bo na voljo preko telefonov ali e-naslovu: knjižnica@teof.uni-lj.si oz. knjižnica-MB@teof.uni-lj.si.

Hvala za razumevanje.
Knjižnica UL TEOF
  • Delež Cerkve pri slovenskem osamosvajanju
    Jamnik, Anton
    ǂThe ǂCatholic Church in Slovenia is throughout the history closely linked with the nation, its culture, language and self-confidence. In events connected to the Slovene attaining of independence the ... Church above all strove for asserting human rights under a moral viewpoint, for freedom and equality of the Slovene nation and for its independence. The close connection of the Church with the Slovene nation can be understood only from the viewpoint of historical development of the Slovene nation, which through Christianity and hrough the Church entered Europe and European culture. The Church leadership has all the time, particularly when the first independent elections wery announced, cleary been pointing out the responsibility of Christian laymen to contribute their part in social events, and asking them to decide by their conscience. Statements, which Slovene bishops wrote down before the reconciliation solemnity in Kočevski Rog, before the plebiscite, on the day of independence, and later, witness on that. Christians in Slovenia, in the neighbouring countries and elsewhere in the world were actively included in he independence process. Of great significance was also the support of the Episcopal Conferences of the majority of European countries, The United States of America and Canada. Very special in Slovene endeavours for attaining indeoendence was the role of The Holy See that acknowledged on Januar 13th 1992 among the first the independent state of Slovenia, and thus substantiall yinfluenced upon other acknowledgements, which followed on January 15th and later.
    Vrsta gradiva - prispevek na konferenci
    Leto - 2002
    Jezik - slovenski
    COBISS.SI-ID - 2996314