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  • Sfidat për matjet kadastrale dikur dhe sot - krahasimi në mes Slovenisë dhe Kosovës = Challenges for cadastral measurement once and today : comparison between Slovenia and Kosovo : diploma thesis - bachelor
    Sylejmani, Lejla
    The purpose of this study The Challengesfor Cadastral Measures before and today, respectively Comparison between Kosovo and Slovenia" has been compiled, in order to present these developments through ... Cadastral Documentation, which derived from the Statistical Yearbook of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia (RPFJ), the Socialist Federal Republic Yugoslavia (SFRY), Statistical Yearbook of the Autonomous Socialist Republic of Kosovo (KSAP), Kosovo Cadastral Agency Offices (AKM) during the period 1900-2017 and the Geodetic Authority and Maps of the Republic of Slovenia, and finally to make comparison of cadastral surveys between Slovenia and Kosovo. This is the reason that various materials have been explored, with particular emphasis on the NQA and the MCO, respectively for the period mentioned above with the challenges and achievements.The main reason for selecting this research is to knowthe difficulties and challenges that have passed the geodetic field, and in particular to learn more regarding the challenges for cadastral surveys that have been before and today, and in addition to learn more about the difficulties that have happened in Kosovo and Slovenia, and through this, we will also understand the extent of the earth's measurements. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to see the differences that occur between the state and the state.In this study, we have used to research methods, such as: qualitative and comparative method. The methods we have used in this research, have been selected for the purpose of presenting the raised hypotheses raised and answering correctly the main research question.
    Vrsta gradiva - diplomsko delo ; neleposlovje za odrasle
    Založništvo in izdelava - Ljubljana : [L. Sylejmani], 2017
    Jezik - albanski
    COBISS.SI-ID - 2053225910

Rezervirajte gradivo na želenem mestu prevzema.

Mesto prevzema Status gradiva Rezervacija
Centralna enota
prosto - na dom, čas izposoje: 21 dni
Signatura – lokacija, inventarna št. ... Status izvoda
Centralna enota
EPFDIP 0000001330
IN: 100002552
Centralna enota
IN: 100002552
prosto - na dom, čas izposoje: 21 dni
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