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  • Performing statelessness
    Wilmer, S. E.
    The asylum-seeker occupies both a local and an international position, straddling the borders of the nation-state. By definition s/he is in a state of becoming (as Gilles Deleuze or Hannah Arendt ... might put it), an exile of onecountry and not yet a citizen of another. S/he is in a liminal state or in a kind of no man's land, a non-person contained by the nation-state in a specially contrived holding centre, unable to work or function properly in society, effectively deprived of human rights, and subject to deportation at any time. This essay uses the writings of Hannah Arendt, Giorgio Agamben and Judith Butler to theorise the issue of the stateless person within the discourse of biopolitics and relate it to several recent plays and performances concerning refugees and homelessness. Drama since the Greeks has often dealt with the asylum-seeker, from Aeschylus's The Suppliants, Sophocles's Oedipus at Colonus and Euripides's Medea, to Shakespeare's King Lear. This article focuses on four pieces: Donal O'Kelly's Asylum! Asylum! about the status of asylum-seekers in Ireland; Christoph Schlingensief's BitteLiebt Ostereich, which deployed an industrial container inhabited by refugees in a central square in Vienna and encouraged local citizens to vote (in a kind of big brother knock out competition) on who should be allowed to remain in the country; Janusz G owacki's Antigone in New York, which depicts Antigone as a homeless exile figure who tries to bury her lover in a Manhattanpublic park; and Janez Janša's The National Theatre of Slovenia, which reconstructs a national scandal concerning the governmental eviction of a Romany family. Each piece calls attention to the bare life of the refugee and the policies of exclusion in the nation-state.
    Vrsta gradiva - članek, sestavni del ; neleposlovje za odrasle
    Leto - 2008
    Jezik - angleški
    COBISS.SI-ID - 2793307