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  • Prikaz emancipirane žene 21...
    Gajger, Lana; Car, Viktorija

    Medijske studije, 03/2021, Letnik: 11, Številka: 22
    Journal Article, Paper

    U 21. stoljeću feministički pokret doživljava novi uzlet, a na to osobit utjecaj imaju slavne‏ žene koje svojim djelovanjem promoviraju emancipaciju žene. Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi kako se u‏ reklamama za ženske parfeme prikazuje emancipiranost kao poželjna ženska osobina. Kvalitativnom‏ istraživačkom metodom analize narativa analizirano je pet reklama za parfeme čije su glavne protagonistice‏ slavne osobe. Njihove zajedničke karakteristike su odlučnost, s izraženim osjećajem samosvijesti,‏ i buntovnost. One su ekstrovertirane, asertivne i sklone traženju uzbuđenja, kompetentne i orijentirane‏ na uspjeh. Njihova poželjnost određena je istodobnim utjelovljivanjem muževnog ponašanja i estetike‏ ženstvenosti, odbacivanjem rodnih normi (izuzev ideala vitkosti), dominantnim ponašanjem u interakciji‏ s muškarcima te okretanjem budućnosti. Ponašanje protagonistica izrazito odgovara karakteristikama‏ postfeminističkog poimanja ženstvenosti te podržava temeljnu odrednicu feminizma – ideju‏ emancipacije. In the 21st century, the feminist movement is experiencing a new upswing. This process is‏ particularly affected by the activity of female celebrities who promote and embody the idea of woman‏ emancipation. The main goal of this paper is to identify the ways in which female perfume commercials‏ present emancipation as desirable. By means of narrative analysis and the qualitative research method,‏ we analysed five perfume commercials featuring female celebrities as their main protagonists. The‏ common characteristics shared by all the protagonists in the analysed commercials is their determination‏ and a pronounced sense of self-awareness and insurgence. They are extroverted, assertive, and prone‏ to seeking excitement, competent and success-oriented. Their desirability is simultaneously determined‏ by masculine behaviour, feminine aesthetics, the rejection of gender norms (with the exception of the‏ slimness ideal), dominant behaviour when interacting with men, and the focus towards the future. The‏ behaviour of female protagonists almost completely matches the characteristics of the postfeminist‏ understanding of femininity and supports the fundamental determinant of feminism – the idea of‏ emancipation.