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    Babić, Zdenko

    Ljetopis socijalnog rada 29, Številka: 3
    Journal Article

    Sustavi minimalnog dohotka u zemljama Europske unije važan su instrument u politici borbe protiv siromaštva. Iako se u većem broju strateških dokumenata različitih EU institucija poziva i preporuča zemljama članicama da unaprijede svoje sustave minimalnog dohotka, u većem broju EU zemalja među kojima je i Hrvatska implementacija navedenih preporuka još je uvijek na čekanju. Stoga je temeljni cilj ovog rada komparativnom analizom sustava minimalnog dohotka Hrvatske i Slovenije ostvariti dublji uvid u potencijale, ali i izazove sustava minimalnog dohotka u njihovoj usmjerenosti na ublažavanje siromaštva i bolje socijalne integracije njihovih korisnika. Za usporedbu i ocjenu sustava minimalnog dohotka analizirat će se brojni indikatori poput stope adekvatnosti minimalnog dohotka, stope pokrivenosti siromašnih minimalnim dohotkom za period od 2018. do 2020. godine. Analizirat će se elementi dostupnosti sustava minimalnog dohotka građanima poput zahtjevnosti procedure prijave i zahtjevnosti metode provjere dohotka i imovine tzv. means testa. Na kraju se nakon provedene analize i ostvarenih uvida iznose određene preporuke za unapređenja sustava minimalnog dohotka u Republici Hrvatskoj. Minimum income systems in the countries of the European Union are an important instrument in the policy of fighting poverty. Although in several strategic documents of various EU institutions, member states are invited to improve their minimum income systems and the recommendations how to do it are included, in a large number of EU countries, including Croatia, the aforementioned recommendations are still awaiting implementation. Therefore, the main goal of this work is to achieve a deeper insight into the potentials and challenges of the minimum income system in their focus on poverty alleviation and better social integration of their users in Croatia and Slovenia through a comparative analysis of the minimum income systems in Croatia and Slovenia. For the comparison and evaluation of the minimum income systems, numerous indicators will be analysed, such as the rate of adequacy of the minimum income and the rate of coverage of the poor by the minimum income for the period from 2018 to 2020. Elements of the availability of the minimum income system to citizens will be analysed, such as the complexity of the application process and the complexity of the method of checking income and assets, the so-called means test. At the end, after the analysis, certain recommendations for improving the minimum income system in the Republic of Croatia will be presented.