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  • Teologija kao humanistička ...
    Kušar, Stjepan

    Nova prisutnost, 03/2016, Letnik: XIV, Številka: 1
    Journal Article, Web Resource

    Podjela znanosti je znanstveno-političko pitanje uređenja i funkcioniranja institucija u kojima se znanstveno znanje stječe, predaje i primjenjuje. Humanističke i društvene znanosti bave se čovjekom, tj. stvarima čovjeka u interesu čovjeka. Teologija ga uzima u krilu stvorenja u perspektivi njegova odnosa s Bogom. U članku se ističe specifičnost tog odnosa i posljedice koje odatle proizlaze za shvaćanje čovjeka i njegova života; upozorava se na osporavanje tog pristupa u kontekstu prirodoznanstveno intonirane i tehnicizirane suvremene kulture; na kraju se tematiziraju intelektualni i kulturalni izazovi s kojima je pritom teologija suočena te se ističe važnost njezina priloga u suvremenim raspravama u kojima je u pitanju čovjek. Kroza sve to u članku se zastupa uvjerenja da vjernička religiozna opcija širi pogled na čovjeka i otvara nove perspektive njegova razumijevanja te se pledira u prilog neodrecivog mjesta teologije u humanističkim znanostima i za njezinu otvorenost kritici i raspravi o stvarima čovjeka radi čovjeka. The division of science is a scientific and political question of constitution and functioning of institutions in which scientific knowledge is acquired, presented and applied. Humanities and social science deal with human i.e. with the matters of human in the interest of human. Theology takes him in the lap of creatures in the perspective of his relation to God. This article emphasises the specificity of this relation and the consequences which arise out of it for the understanding of human and his life; it warns that such an approach in the context of scientifically intoned and technicistic contemporary culture is contested. In the end it deals with intellectual and cultural challenges theology is faced with and points out the importance of its contribution to contemporary disputes concerning human. Throughout all of this the article represents the convictions that the believers religious option broadens the prospect of man and opens new perspectives of understanding him so it pleads for an indisputable place of theology as one of the humanities and its openness to critic and debate about the matters of man for man.