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  • Migration narratives in edu...
    Svendsen, Stine H. Bang; Ask, Kristine; Øygardslia, Kristine; Skotnes, Christian Engen; Ringrose, Priscilla; Grut, Gunnar; Røkenes, Fredrik

    Learning, media and technology, 04/2022, Letnik: 47, Številka: 2
    Journal Article

    This article investigates use of digital storytelling as a learning activity in education about migration. Based on a study in two Norwegian schools and two adult education centers for refugees and migrants, the article analyzes student's digital stories and observations of the process of production. Counter to research on the promise of digital storytelling to promote diverse perspectives, personal experience and creativity, our findings show that digital stories as a learning activity includes powerful standardization drivers. The standardization limits diversity in students' knowledge and experience from coming into view in the final product. The identified standardization drivers are; (1) discursive blueprints of refugee experience, including the narrative about the 'Good Refugee' and idealization of the destination country, (2) challenges with representing traumatic experiences through photographic imagery, and (3) material affordances in the production process such as google algorithms. In conclusion, we argue that critical engagement with the involved modalities and standardization drivers is a condition for using digital stories to foster critical thinking about migration.