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  • Benediktinsko monaštvo i sa...
    Jordan Knežević, Ana

    Crkva u svijetu, 2023, Letnik: 58, Številka: Suppl. 1
    Journal Article, Paper

    U radu se donose nova istraživanja o benediktinskim sakralnim kompleksima u Ninu i Biogradu. Autorica se dotiče ranokršćanske bazilike Sv. Marije te analizira ostatke sakralne arhitekture na položaju Mijovilovac gdje se tijekom predromanike podiže crkva Sv. Mihovila s pripadajućim muškim benediktinskim samostanom. Autorica zaključke temelji na vlastitim istraživanjima, ali i na proučavanju neobjavljenih rukopisa iz arhiva don Luke Jelića u Arheološkom muzeju u Splitu te iz arhiva Ejnara Dyggvea u Konzervatorskom odjelu, također u Splitu. Na osnovi spomenute arhivske građe autorica donosi i zaključke o benediktinskim samostanima i bazilikama u Biogradu. Naime, sačuvani tlocrti i dokumentacija s istraživanja koje je vodio dr. don Luka Jelić u Biogradu tijekom razdoblja od 1902. do 1905. ukazuju na posve drugačiji položaj važnih biogradskih spomenika, što bi značilo da su oni dugi niz godina bili krivo ubicirani. The paper presents new researches on the Benedictine sacral complexes in Nin and Biograd. The author touches on the early Christian basilica of St. Mary and analyses the remains of sacral architecture at the location of Mijovilovac, where, during the pre-Romanesque period, the church of St. Mihovil with the associated men's Benedictine monastery was erected. The author bases her conclusions on her own research, but also on the study of unpublished manuscripts from the archives of Don Luka Jelić in the Archaeological Museum in Split and from the archives of Ejnar Dyggve in the Conservation Department, also in Split. On the basis of the aforementioned archival materials, the author draws conclusions about the Benedictine monasteries and basilicas in Biograd. Namely, the preserved floor plans and documentation from the research led by dr. don Luka Jelić in Biograd during the period from 1902 to 1905 indicate a completely different position of important Biograd monuments, which would mean that they have been incorrectly ubicated for many years.