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  • The Europeanization of Gend...
    Emanuela Lombardo, Maxime Forest


    01 02 EU member states and candidate countries are increasingly exposed to the domestic impact of EU regulations, policy instruments, and discourses in the fields of gender equality and antidiscrimination. This impact not only affects national or subnational legislations and equality machineries, but also the framing and the wording of these policies, providing domestic actors with new resources and opportunity structures. This book explores the divergent policy outputs in the member states as regards the making of gender and other equalities, bringing together the most recent insights from Europeanization and gender scholars from a discursive-sociological perspective. Using largely unpublished empirical data, the book addresses policy issues ranging from gender violence to reconciliation and antidiscrimination policies, through case studies and comparisons covering up to 29 European countries. The result is a book that provides us with a more realistic and complex picture of Europeanization processes. 04 02 The Europeanization of Gender Equality Policies: a Discursive-Sociological Approach; M.Forest & E.Lombardo 'Going Soft'? Analysing the Contribution of Soft and Hard Measures in EU Gender Law and Policy; F.Beveridge Meanings and Uses of Europe in Making Policies against Domestic Violence in Central and Eastern Europe; A.Krizsan & R.Popa Changing French Reconciliation Policies and the Usages of Europe: Reluctant Europeanization?; S.Jacquot , C.Ledoux & B.Palier Using the EU to Promote Gender Equality Policy in a Traditional Context: Reconciliation of Work and Family Life in Italy; A.Donà Comparing the Europeanization of Multiple Inequalities in Southern Europe: a Discursive Institutionalist Analysis; E.Lombardo & M.Bustelo Swimming Against the Tide: Contested Norms and Antidiscrimination Advocacy in Central and Eastern Europe; A.Buzogány Use of the Europeanization Frame in Same-Sex Partnership Issues across Europe; R.Kuhar Is Gender Equality Soluble into Self-Governance? Regionalizing and Europeanizing Gender Policies in Spain; A.Alonso & M.Forest Prospects and Challenges for Discursive-Sociological Studies of the Europeanization of Equality Policies; E.Lombardo & M.Forest 19 02 Fits with the Politics lists' ongoing development of Gender Studies, while simultaneously adding a new dimension to publishing on European Integration, where Palgrave leads the market This book marks an important addition to the literature on the Europeanization of Public Policy, by analysing the impact of European Integration on domestic policy change International authors with different disciplinary backgrounds (Political science, Law, Sociology, Gender Studies) Focusing on Gender Policy, Lombardo and Forest take a wide-ranging comparative approach, considering policies from young and older member states and from across the Continent The book analyses a broad range of policy issues, including gender violence, reconciliation and antidiscrimination policies 13 02 EMANUELA LOMBARDO Ramón y Cajal Researcher at the Faculty of Political Science of Complutense University, Madrid, Spain, and Researcher in the European QUING project. Her research interests concern gender equality policies, particularly in the European Union and Spain. She is co-editor, with Petra Meier and Mieke Verloo, of The Discursive Politics of Gender Equality. Stretching, Bending, and Policymaking (2009). MAXIME FOREST QUING Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Complutense University, Madrid, Spain. His main research interests include the Europeanization of gender policies at the national and sub-national levels, policy transfers and women's representation. He has published numerous articles in international peer-reviewed journals and chapters in edited volumes. 31 02 Explores the Europeanization of gender and other equality policies from a sociological-discursive approach 02 02 A discursive-sociological approach to the Europeanization of gender and other equality policies. Using largely unpublished empirical data covering twenty-nine European countries this book adopts a pluralistic perspective to explore the complex and often divergent gender and other equality policy outputs of Europeanization. 16 02 the only direct competitors  are Ulrike Liebert's edited volume Gendering Europeanization (Brussels: Peter Lang 2003) and Silke Roth's edited book Gender Politics in the Expanding EU (Oxford: Berghahn Books 2008).