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  • Ädels målartvist 1839 – 184...
    Nyström, Ingalill; Palmsköld, Anneli; Assis, Anders

    Rig, 2018 2-3
    Journal Article

    The Ädel Painting Dispute 1839-1841: Forensic Analyses of a Historic Case This article is about a 19th century dispute concerning thirty pieces of decorated furniture painted by the painter Anders Erik Ädel (1809-1888) from Ljusdal, Hälsingland. In 1839, Ädel accused his client, the farmer Erik Olofsson, in court of having paid too little for the objects he had painted. He had used more pigments than those for which he had been paid. Through this study we demonstrate how multidisciplinary collaboration between humanities and sciences can contribute to deeper knowledge and new interpretations. The analyses of the judicial protocols found were supplemented by scientific analyses. The judicial protocols give an insight into what pigments and binders Ädel had access to, and when combined with the scientific analyses this information give historic evidence of the artist's materials and painting technique. The material also gives insight to the relation between a painter and a costumer at the time, and how they interacted. The article begins with a background description of the dispute. The case described in the historic source material have been interpreted and supplemented with explanatory and contextualising tasks. In conclusion, the two sub-studies are discussed and how a multidisciplinary approach like ATSR, Art Technological Source Research, can contribute to increase knowledge of artists and artistic practice.