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    Drašković, Brankica

    Godišnjak Filozofskog fakulteta u Novom Sadu, 2018, Letnik: 43, Številka: 2
    Journal Article

    The subject of this paper is the discourse representation of cultural cooperation between Croatia and Serbia in media texts. The aim was to examine the dominant strategies used by the mainstream media in Croatia and Serbia in the representation of appearances, events and the activities of artists from the two countries by using the method of critical discourse analysis. The sample for analysis consisted of texts published in online editions of the daily newspapers Jutarnji list and Blic collected during March, April and May of 2018. The results of the research show that the dominant strategy is spectacular representation, primarily on an individual level. Unlike in previous research, when nationalistic discourse was influenced by an already existing socio-cognitive basis originating on the ideological division 'We' and 'They' and was 'more clandestine and hidden' than the one in the nineties, it has now become articulated. It is shaped by almost all manipulative strategies – differentiation, confrontation, silence and forgetting, which express the polarized relationship between the opposing groups, Serbian and Croatian. Through the patriotic discourse of well-known stereotypes that support the uncoordinated social and political narratives of Serbia and Croatia, first and foremost those of the past, journalists are pointing out explicit negative valuations towards the actors uniting themselves with members of their own group, defending and clearly distancing themselves from members of the other group, which is attacked. On the other hand, the detected antinationalist discourse in the form of critical counter-narratives of the representation of certain subjects and artists follows the tradition of a “culture of disagreement and resistance” to the current circumstances. The detected dualism of nationalist and anti-nationalist discourse in our research indicates the existence of, in a manner of speaking, two parallel forms of cultural space in the context of cultural cooperation between Croatia and Serbia.