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  • Vrančić, Frano

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    Provider: - Institution: - Data provided by Europeana Collections- Glavni cilj doktorskog rada je opis dvojnosti, karakteristike neraskidivo povezane s Kentaurima, Faunima, Dionizom, Bakhanticama, Glaukom i ostalim drugorazrednim božanstvima grčko-rimske mitologije u poeziji deset francuskih književnika 19. st. Nakon što smo objasnili simboliku ovih dualnih i mitoloških bića u antičkim okvirima, osvrnuli smo se i na književne obrade i interpretacije kojima su u francuskom pjesništvu bili nadahnuće što je rezultiralo novim spoznajama o dualnosti koja ne ostaje vezana isključivo za pjesnike i junake njihovih njihovih poema, već kao osobina svakog čovjeka, rastrganog svojim određenim dilemama i sukobima, predstavlja sliku opće ljudske dualnosti. Konačno, analiza je pokazala kako su pojedini pjesnici parnasa poput Banvillea, Leconte de Lislea, Heredije i njihovog duhovnog oca s kraja 18. st. Chéniera tematizirali ova antička božanstva manje-više iz estetskih razloga, dok je inspiracija ovim likovima u poeziji romantizma (Guérin, Hugo), dekadencije (Laforgue) i simbolizma (Régnier, Rimbaud, Verlaine, Mallarmé) uglavnom psihološke prirode.- The main aim of the dissertation is to describe duality, a characteristic inextricably linked with Centaurs, Fauns, Dionysus, Bacchantes, Glaucus and other second-rate Greco- Roman gods in the poetry of ten 19th century French writers. Having explained the symbolism of these dual and hybrid mythological creatures in antique frames, we focused on literary processing and interpretation they inspired in 19th century French literature which resulted in new findings on the duality that does not remain exclusively tied to poets and heroes of their poems, but as an every-man's feature, torn by self-contradictions and dilemmas, presents a picture of general human dualism. Eventually, the analysis showed that some Parnassian poets like Théodore de Banville, Charles-Marie Leconte de Lisle, José-Maria de Heredia as well as their spiritual father from the very end of 18th century André Chénier thematized these ancient deities more or less for aestetic reasons, while the inspiration for these characters in the poetry of Romanticism (Maurice de Guérin, Victor Hugo), the Decadent Movement (Jules Laforgue) and Symbolism (Henri de Régnier, Arthur Rimbaud, Paul Verlaine, Stéphane Mallarmé) comes from dual nature of these writers.- All metadata published by Europeana are available free of restriction under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. However, Europeana requests that you actively acknowledge and give attribution to all metadata sources including Europeana