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  • Crop rotation on arable and...
    Acko, Darja; Santavec, Igor

    Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 09/2010, Letnik: 95, Številka: 3
    Journal Article

    Despite the fact that successive sowing of maize was legally limited due to the occurrence of the corn rootworm beetle in 2003 and the integrated crop production was introduced in 2004, maize is still the most common and desired crop on arable and livestock farms in Slovenia. With a focus on the economic motives for the production farmers are gradually beginning to consider also the phytosanitary viewpoint, but the planning of a crop rotation is a demanding task, especially for younger farmers with no previous experience. The results of the analysis of crop rotations on conventional and integrated arable and livestock farms in north-east and western Slovenia in the period from 2000 to 2009 show that the maize monoculture has been supplemented by other grains, mostly wheat and barley, but legumes and supplementary crops are still missing from the rotation. With newly introduced crops to Slovene fields the need for new and modern agro-technical measures is increasing and also the need for improved knowledge of biological characteristics of individual varieties and species with their suitable order and share in the crop rotation. To help the farmers find the best solution for their production we have prepared some recommendations for the crop rotations with the main and supplementary crops, following good and proven examples of crop rotations used in the past. Whether farmers will use them on their farms depends not only on their technical equipment and knowledge, flexibility and receptiveness, but also on the legislative measures and sustainable nature of EU agricultural policy where farmers got used to be paid for every function and production that is environmentally and food friendly. V Sloveniji je koruza, kljub zakonski omejitvi zaporedne setve zaradi pojava koruznega hrošča leta 2003 in vključevanja kmetij v integrirano pridelavo poljščin leta 2004, še vedno najbolj razširjena in zaželena poljščina na poljedelsko-živinorejskih kmetijah. Ekonomski vidik pridelave postopoma upošteva fitosanitarnega. Načrtovanje kolobarja je zahtevno, zlasti za mlajše kmete, ki nimajo izkušenj iz preteklosti. Rezultati analize kolobarjev na konvencionalnih in integriranih poljedelsko-živinorejskih kmetijah v severovzhodni in v zahodni Sloveniji v obdobju od leta 2000 do 2009 kažejo, da so monokulturo koruze razbremenila druga žita, zlasti pšenica in ječmen, manjkajo pa stročnice in dosevki. Z novo vključenimi poljščinami se povečujejo potrebe ne le po novi in sodobni agrotehniki, ampak tudi po poznavanju bioloških zakonitosti posameznih vrst in sort ob hkratni primerni razporeditvi in deležu v kolobarju. V oporo kmetom smo sestavili nekaj biološko uravnoteženih kolobarjev iz glavnih posevkov in dosevkov, ki se zgledujejo po preizkušenih vrstilnih kolobarjih iz preteklosti. Njihova uporaba na kmetijah bo odvisna ne le od tehnične opremljenosti kmetije, znanja, dojemljivosti in prožnosti gospodarjev ampak v glavnem od zakonskih predpisov in sonaravnih usmeritev kmetijske politike v EU, kjer so se kmetje navadili na plačilo za vsako okolju in hrani prijaznejše opravilo in postopek pridelave.