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  • Fundraising discourse and t...
    Forstorp, Per-Anders

    Business ethics (Oxford, England), July 2007, Letnik: 16, Številka: 3
    Journal Article

    The great tidal wave (tsunami) following an earthquake under the sea brought death and disaster to a large number of people along the coast of South-East Asia in December 2004. This event caught the attention of the world communities of donors who gave generously to aid relief efforts, partly inspired by the marketing of transnational NGOs and fundraisers such as the Red Cross and Medecins sans Frontieres. In this paper, concrete examples from this marketing campaign in Sweden, one nation among many that suffered great loss, are used in order to address questions where the rationality of giving and the rationality of business intersect. At the centre of the analysis stands the representation of the other in the ads. The theoretical framework for this analysis is inspired by Emmanuel Levinas and his understanding of an 'elevated' Other and brings up a set of questions concerning representation and ethics relevant to global marketing in a post-national world. PUBLICATION ABSTRACT