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  • O aktualnim paradigmama jav...
    Bačić, Arsen; Bačić, Petar

    Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu, 02/2017, Letnik: 54, Številka: 1
    Journal Article, Paper

    U tekstu se prikazuju neke nove paradigme koje najizravnije ukazuju na organsku i vitalnu vezu ustavnog i upravnog prava unutar kompleksa javnog prava. Stajalište autora je da primjeri ''vladavine'' (governance), ''administrativnog konstitucionalizma'' (administrative constitutionalism), zatim ''libertarijanskog administrativnog prava'' (libertarian administrative law)... demonstriraju dinamični proces artikulacije suvremenog javnog prava i njegove adaptacije političkom procesu suvremene države i njenim transgraničnim asocijacijama. Iako su navedene i druge paradigme još daleko od konačnih odgovora, evidentna je i neporeciva praksa da upravo one pokazuju permanentno nastojanje ustavnodemokratske države ka usavršavanju. U tom smislu navedene paradigme uvijek upućuju na postojanje cjelovitog državnopravnog procesa detekcije i rješavanja određenih pitanja. Zato ustavno-zakonodavna obrada temeljnih ustavnopolitičkih pitanja i problema, njihovo administrativno procesuiranje te sudbena detekcija i rješavanje stalno ukazuju na potrebu za unutrašnjim integritetom i koherencijom javnopravnog kompleksa države i prava. This text demonstrates some new paradigms which most directly point out the organic and vital connection of constitutional and administrative law in public law. It is the author's viewpoint that the examples of '' governance ‘‘, '' administrative constitutionalism '', and ‘‘ libertarian administrative law '' demonstrate the dynamic process of adaptation and articulation of contemporary public law to the political process of the modern state and its transborder associations. Even though the stated and other paradigms are still far from final answers, it is evident and undeniable practice that precisely they show the permanent efforts of a constitutionally democratic state towards perfection. In this sense, paradigms always point to the existence of a holistic legal process of detection and resolution of certain issues. This is why constitutional-legislative analysis of fundamental constitutional political issues and problems, their administrative processing and judicial detection and resolution constantly demonstrate the need for internal integrity and coherence of the public legal complexity of state and law.