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  • A reflection after 24 „trai...
    Rener-Primec, Zvonka; Matko Cerar, Vasilij; Dolžan, Vita; Steblovnik, Lili; Lučovnik, Miha; Novak Antolič, Živa

    Zdravstveno varstvo, 10/2012, Letnik: 51, Številka: 4
    Journal Article

    Introduction: With the rapid expansion of knowledge in medicine, there is a growing need for trainers who understand adult learning principles. Methods: data from all the Training the Trainers (TTT) workshops, organized throughout a 4 year period, were retrospectively reviewed from questionnaires (which had been completed at the end of each TTT by all the participants). Results: From March 2008 to the end of 2011, 24 TTT workshops have been organized: 19 basic, 3 advanced and 2 extra organized for specialists in cardiosurgery / anaesthesiologists and rehabilitation specialists. There were 160 participants, specialists from 28 various fields of medicine. Everyone completed a questionnaire and all but one gave positive feedback after the TTT as they effectively learned some new aspects of the adult teaching process. Discussion: Most participants during the TTT became aware that they lack an appropriate training background. The importance of assessment tools, feedback information and the evaluation of the learning process were considered very important by the majority of the participants. The connection between experience and the learning process requires motivation by the educator, who must be familiar with the use of appropriate learning theories and efficient teaching techniques. At the end of this process, a young specialist is expected to be competent in every field of daily practice as well as in unexpected emergency situations. Conclusions: After 24 TTT workshops, the great majority of the participants had learned the essential elements of adult education methods and appreciated all the practical tasks in each TTT. Most of them would like to attend a TTT at least every second year. Uvod: S hitrim razvojem novih znanj v medicini narašča tudi potreba po učiteljih, ki poznajo učinkovite principe učenja odraslih. Metode: Retrospektivno so zbrani podatki vseh dosedanjih delavnic Učenje učiteljev, ki so potekale v zadnjih štirih letih, povzeti iz evalvacijskih vprašalnikov vseh udeležencev. Rezultati: Od marca 2008 do konca leta 2011 je bilo organiziranih 24 delavnic Učenje učiteljev - 19 osnovnih, tri nadaljevalne in dodatno dve osnovni, organizirani za anesteziologe in specialiste rehabilitacije. Skupno je bilo 160 udeležencev, specialistov z 28 področij medicine. Vsi udeleženci , razen enega, so ob koncu delavnice podali pozitivno povratno informacijo, da so pridobili pomembna znanja s področja poučevanja in ocenjevanja odraslih. Diskusija: Večina udeležencev na TTT je ozavestila, da ji primanjkuje ustreznega znanja, kako poučevati. Povezava med izkustvenim znanjem in procesom učenja specializanta zahteva motiviranega učitelja, ki pozna teoretične osnove in ustrezne tehnike poučevanja. Cilj poučevanja v poteku specializacije je, da bo mladi specialist ob koncu šolanja kompetenten na vseh področjih redne klinične prakse in tudi ob nepričakovanih urgentnih stanjih. Zaključki: Po 24 TTT-delavnicah je večina udeležencev je osvojila osnovne elemente edukacije odraslih in pohvalila vse praktične vaje. Večina bi si želela sodelovati na TTT vsaj vsako drugo leto.