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  • Preschool teachers' beliefs...
    Stembergar, Anja Valencic; Vodopivec, Jurka Lepicnik

    Hrvatska revija za rehabilitacijska istraživanja, 12/2016, Letnik: 52, Številka: 2
    Journal Article

    The central purpose of this paper is oriented toward determining the competence of preschool teachers in working with children who show emotional and behavioural difficulties. (1) In the study, 82 teachers of preschool children participated. The data on the assessment of competence and the efficacy of preschool teachers in their work with children with whom BED are implied were acquired through a questionnaire that included modified versions of questionnaires on the self-assessment of competence (Teacher's Sense of Teacher Efficacy Scale, conducted by Tschannen-Moran & Woolfolk Hoy, 2001) and their expectations about their own efficacy (Teacher Efficacy Scale, Gibson & Dembo, 1984). We have found that preschool teachers rate their efficacy at the medium stage of agreement regarding the expectations of their own efficacy in working with children who show BED. We have also found that higher levels of education coupled with less working experience result in higher self-assessment of competence. Furthermore, the results of the study have shown that experience in working with children who show BED positively affects one's feeling of competence in working with these children. Besides this, the preschool teachers who rank their competence with children who show BED as higher also assess a higher level of competence in their efficacy of teaching children who show BED. In conclusion, we have also found that preschool teachers gain little knowledge during their initial education and training and more with independent work and additional training courses. The preschool teachers who rate the knowledge they have obtained through independent work also feel that their competence in working with children who show BED has grown as a result. Key words: preschool child, emotional and behavioural diffi culties, feeling of teachers' effi cacy; teachers' competence Cilj ovog rada bila je analiza samoprocijenjenih kompetencija odgojitelja za rad s djecom koja pokazuju emocionalne teskoce i probleme u ponasanju. U istrazivanju su sudjelovala 82 odgojitelja predskolske djece. Podaci o samoprocjenjenoj kompetentnosti i samoefikasnosti odgojitelja u radu s djecom koja pokazuju emocionalne teskoce i probleme u ponasanju prikupljeni su putem upitnika koji je ukljucivao modificirane verzije upitnika Teacher's Sense of Efficacy Scale (Tschannen-Moran i Woolfolk Hoy, 2001) i Teacher Efficacy Scale (Gibson i Dembo, 1984). Rezultati istrazivanja pokazuju da odgojitelji svoju samoefikasnost u radu s djecom koja imaju emocionalne teskoce i probleme u ponasanju procjenjuju osrednjom te da su visa razina obrazovanja i krace radno iskustvo povezani s visom samoprocjenom kompetentnosti. Rezultati istrazivanja pokazuju takoder da su iskustva u radu s ovom djecom pozitivno povezana s vecim osjecajem kompetentnosti u odgojitelja. Nadalje, odgojitelji koji bolje procjenjuju svoje kompetencije za rad s djecom koja pokazuju emocionalne teskoce i probleme u ponasanju, takoder bolje procjenjuju i svoju samoefikasnost glede ucenja i poucavanja ove djece. Utvrdeno je takoder da odgojitelji malo znanja stjecu tijekom svog inicijalnog obrazovanja, a vise kroz samostalan rad i dodatne edukacije. Odgojitelji koji svoje znanje steceno kroz samostalan rad procjenjuju boljim, osjecaju se i kompetentnijima za rad s djecom koja pokazuju emocionalne teskoce i probleme u ponasanju. Kljucne rijeci: predskolsko dijete, emocionalne teskoce i problemi u ponasanju, osjecaj samoefikasnosti nastavnika, kompetentnost odgojitelja