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  • Stanarević Svetlana


    This dissertation treats potential directions for the theoretical foundation of the security culture concept on the basis of analysis of various theoretical approaches towards its constitutive elements – culture and security. Firstly, after presenting multifarious theoretical frameworks within the anthropological dimension of the culture concept, the humanological theoretical perspective of culture development is singled out – from the original comprehension of culture as a precondition of survival to the contemporary one, that conceives it as an assumption of development and welfare. Following that way, the security interest has also developed, as one among the essential interests which move the contemporary man. The analysis of the culture concept have helped us to elucidate symbolical meanings and positive values, implicit and explicit ones, in a certain way of life in some culture. The analysis comprises, too, the recognition of elements of the way of life (that in fact, for supporters of other determinations, do not fall into the domain of culture); the organization of state institutions; the structure of institutions which express or dominate social relations; typical forms through which members of society communicate among themselves; the traces of creative human activity in institutions and modes of behaviour. It is also important to present the elements that shape (national) culture, such as symbols, customs, rites and values, as well as elements which signify the field within which national culture may be examined in order to define more closely founded processes that generate it, but also the categories which disturb its order, and which reflect themselves in change, tradition and identity. Thereafter, it follows a review of national culture as a national and public interest, which manifests itself in the way which articulate values, the perception of welfare and the perception of development and endangerment. On the other hand, besides stressing the importance of interdisciplinary investigation, the humanological and culturological model for conceptualization of security is especially discussed, which supplied the initial basis for the elaboration of potentials of its transformed use within the security culture concept, having in mind the protection and preservation of welfare of individual, society and state. Thus, the second segment encompasses defining of theoretical support for the security concept, which has thereafter identified and articulated itself in the structural connection of national culture and national security. In this thesis, various theoretical approaches toward security are analyzed and presented, which have certain repercussions on the conception of this notion through the concepts of security, certainty and the preservation of existence. The analysis of the security concept is performed in the context of possibility of its development, firstly, as a separate human need, and then as an interest in the context of cultural needs, applying the culturological approach, shaped by the category of national security. This segment has showed, too, articulation of culture in security concepts, as well as on the levels of reflection which are manifested through personality, society, community or entity; and it has depicted culture as the national security interest. Analyzing especially the concept of identity and its relationships towards culture and security, we have tried to point to the fact that changes which emerge in social relations during the process of constituting identity and developing from the one form to another – define and strenghten social capacities for establishing the elements of national culture which will be transformed into security culture. Finally, the third segment of the dissertation analyzes theoretical departures in which possible similarities are found, but also disagreements with the concept of security culture, which develops intensively in recent times. In this part, the genesis and development of the concept and term of security culture are described, as well as shifts that have reflected in its conceptual evolution. It have aided us to establish the content and essence of the security culture concept, its features that have synthetical, transpositional and developmental attributes. Furthermore, security culture is presented as a factor of development of national security, including two substantive processes: the first one, as the transfer of national culture into security culture, and, secondly, as the transfer of national security into security culture. We have also interpreted security culture in the light of regional, international and global processes worldwide, as well as through possibility to develop itself institutionally in the relation with social integrations, state and in the framework of international relations. The concept of security culture is analyzed primarily within the anthropologicalhumanological approach towards comprehension of the culture concept, within the manner in which the identity phenomenon have articulated itself from the realm of culture into the domain of security, then the way the security interest is constituted and the relation between national culture and national security is established. The methodology and models for examination of security culture can be represented on the basis of various approaches, and we single out the following: the organizational culture, the approach from the perspective of subculture, the approach from the viewpoint of social capital and humanological approach. In order for the concept to “live”, it is important to focus on its development, as well as on its practical implementation, so we have distinguished the factors which enable it, while we consider among the most significant ones: education, obligation, control and the application of standards. Within the concluding chapter, the results of investigation are systematized and synthesized into an assessment on the nature of theoretical foundations of security culture. The scientific and wider social significance of theoretical vantage points of security culture is discussed, too. U radu se razmatraju mogući pravci teorijskog zasnivanja koncepta bezbednosne kulture na osnovu analize različitih teorijskih pristupa njegovim konstitutivnim elementima – kulture i bezbednosti. Kao prvo, nakon predstavljanja različitih teorijskih okvira unutar antropološke dimenzije koncepta kulture, izdvojena je humanološka teorijska perspektiva razvoja kulture – od prvobitnog razumevanja kulture kao uslova opstanka, do savremenog, koji je vidi kao uslov razvoja i dobrobiti. Na tom putu se razvijao i interes bezbednosti, kao jedan od suštinskih interesa koji pokreće savremenog čoveka. Analiza pojma kulture pomogla nam je da se razjasne simbolička značenja i pozitivne vrednosti, implicitne i eksplicitne, u određenom načinu života u izvesnoj kulturi. Analiza obuhvata i saglédanje elemenata načina života (koji za pristalice drugačijih određenja zapravo i ne spadaju u oblast kulture); organizaciju državnih institucija; strukturu institucija koje izražavaju ili vladaju društvenim odnosima; karakteristične forme kojima pripadnici društva komuniciraju; tragove kreativne ljudske delatnosti u institucijama i oblicima ponašanja. Takođe je važno da se predstave elementi koji uobličavaju (nacionalnu) kulturu, kao što su simboli, običaji, rituali i vrednosti, ali i elementi koji obeležavaju polje u okviru kojeg se može razmatrati nacionalna kultura da bi se bliže odredili ne samo utemeljeni procesi koji je stvaraju, već i kategorije koje remete njen poredak, a ogledaju se u promeni, tradiciji i identitetu. Zatim sledi predstavljanje nacionalne kulture kao nacionalnog i javnog interesa, što se ispoljava na način koji artikuliše vrednosti, percepciju dobrobiti i percepciju razvoja i ugroženosti. S druge strane, pored naglašavanja značaja interdisciplinarnog proučavanja, posebno je razmatran humanološki i kulturološki model konceptualizacije bezbednosti koji je dao polaznu osnovu za razradu mogućnosti njegove izmenjene upotrebe u okviru koncepta bezbednosne kulture s ciljem zaštite i održavanja dobrobiti pojedinca, društva i države. Stoga drugi segment obuhvata definisanje teorijskog uporišta pojma bezbednosti, koji se zatim identifikovao i artikulisao u strukturalnoj vezi nacionalne kulture i nacionalne bezbednosti. U radu su analizirani i predstavljeni različiti teorijski pristupi bezbednosti, koji imaju određene refleksije na razumevanje ovog pojma kroz pojmove sigurnosti, izvesnosti i očuvanja egzistencije. Analiza pojma bezbednosti odvijala se u kontekstu mogućnosti da se on razvije, prvo, kao posebna ljudska potreba, a zatim kao interes u kontekstu kulturnih potreba, primenjujući kulturološki pristup, uobličen kategorijom nacionalne bezbednosti. Ovaj segment je prikazao i artikulaciju kulture u konceptima bezbednosti, te na nivoima refleksije koji se ogledaju kroz prizmu ličnosti, društva, zajednice ili entiteta; i oslikao kulturu kao nacionalni bezbednosni interes. Analizirajući posebno koncept identiteta i njegove relacije prema kulturi i bezbednosti, pokušali smo da ukažemo na činjenicu da promene do kojih dolazi u društvenim odnosima tokom konstituisanja identiteta i prerastanja iz jednog oblika u drugi – definišu i osnažuju socijalne kapacitete za utvrđivanje elemenata nacionalne kulture koji će se transformisati u bezbednosnu kulturu. Konačno, treći segment rada analizira teorijska ishodišta u kojima se pronalaze moguće sličnosti, ali i razmimoilaženja sa konceptom bezbednosne kulture, koji se u novije vreme intenzivno razvija. U ovom delu prikazani su konstituisanje i razvoj pojma i termina bezbednosna kultura, kao i promene koje su se odslikale u njegovom konceptualnom razvoju. To nam je pomoglo da se utvrdi sadržaj i suština koncepta bezbednosne kulture, njegova obeležja koja imaju sintetička, transferna i razvojna svojstva. Dalje je predstavljena bezbednosna