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  • Kentera Savo


    The issue of security in the new social and political context has not stopped attracting the attention of strategic security studies, this time with the emphasis on contemporary concepts in response to non-military security issues, such as demographic changes or environmental degradation. It is obvious that we live in a world of fundamental political and economic changes in relations between states and non-state actors. Instability, military threats and conflicts are back in the focus of security policy, although in a completely new way that requires new understanding and a new attitude towards these categories, as well as a new response from the state and especially from the international community towards these kinds of threats or the use of force in a post-Cold-War order. In order to create a system in which all countries can function under the same rules, act in accordance with them and react in certain situations in compliance with those rules, it was necessary to create a single system of collective security. This system is a good basis for all countries to react according to the same rules and standards in certain situations when their safety is compromised. Integration processes and collective security are constants of a modern society and every country seeks to become a part of a specific system, whether it be a security-based, political or economic framework of integration. The main factor that was very important for the member states of NATO was the disappearance of the key danger coming from the East in the form of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact. On the other hand, the issue of NATO’s existence and future arose, as did the issue of justifying its existence, bearing in mind the absence of threats and enemies that might jeopardize the Western world. Academia and a number of scholars believed that NATO would cease to exist. For them the existence of such an alliance no longer made any sense, and they thought that it would be best for all the member states to stop being a part of such an Alliance. vi By the Declaration of Independence adopted by Parliament on June 3, 2006, Montenegro clearly committed itself to Euro-Atlantic Integration. Montenegro’s membership of NATO and the EU is one of the foreign policy priorities of the Government of Montenegro. At a time when all South-East European countries are included in the Euro-Atlantic integration process, Montenegro’s commitment to becoming a part of the regional and international security system (UN, NATO, EU, and OSCE) is a realistic and the best solution for achieving long-lasting stability and prosperity in the region. Montenegro’s strategic goal is to build a modern and functional security system that has the ability to respond in the most efficient manner to the challenges, risks and threats to the state. For every country, the Constitution is the basis of its future path towards the democratization of the society and membership of international organizations. As the supreme law of the country, it is necessary to include all the standards that will clearly indicate the commitment of the state to the direction it wants to go, how it will develop, and which principles related to human rights and freedoms it must have. The Constitution of Montenegro does not question in any of its parts Montenegro’s commitment towards membership of NATO and the EU. This is very important not only from a constitutional point of view, but also from the point of view of the international standards and norms that apply in other countries and represent the democratic standards of developed countries. Also, in this way Montenegro as a country demonstrates that despite any possible change of government it will remain committed to the European and Euro-Atlantic integration processes. At this moment, this determination is very important, bearing in mind all other aspects that could potentially affect Montenegro’s path towards the Euro-Atlantic family. Consideration of the changing security environment in Europe and worldwide, as well as the improvement of the security situation by a number of Eastern European countries entering the EU and NATO, which inter alia required a reform of their defense systems in accordance with NATO standards, raises the issue of the future use of the defense capacities of Montenegro. Pitanje značenja bezbjednosti u novom društvenom i političkom kontekstu ne prestaje da zaokuplja pažnju strateških studija bezbjednosti, ovoga puta sa težištem na savremene koncepte kao odgovoru na nevojna bezbjednosna pitanja, kao što su npr. demografske promjene ili ugrožavanje životnog okruženja. Jasno je da živimo u svijetu fundamentalnih političkih i ekonomskih promjena u odnosima među državama i nedržavnim subjektima. Nestabilnost, vojna prijetnja i sukob ponovo se vraćaju u žarište bezbjednosne politike, mada na sasvim novi način koji traži novo razumijevanje i novi odnos prema ovim kategorijama, što svakako iziskuje i novi odgovor države, prvenstveno međunarodne zajednice prema novom vidu prijetnje i upotrebe sile u posthladnoratovskom poretku. Kako bi se stvorio sistem u kome sve države mogu funkcionisati po istim pravilima, ponašati se u skladu sa njima, te reagovati u određenim situacijama u skladu sa tim pravilima neophodno je bilo stvoriti jedinstveni sistem kolektivne bezbjednosti. Ovakav sistem bio bi dobra osnova svim državama da po istim pravilima, ili bolje rečeno standardima, reaguju u određenim situacijama ukoliko im je narušena bezbjednost. Integracioni procesi i kolektivna bezbjednost konstanta su savremenog društva i svaka država teži da postane dio određenog sistema, bilo da se radi o bezbjednosnom okviru, ekonomskom ili političkom. Za države članice NATO saveza najbitniji bio je nestanak ključne opasnosti koja je dolazila sa istoka u vidu SSSR-a i Varšavskog pakta. Sa druge strane, postavilo se pitanje i daljeg opstanka samog NATO saveza i njegove opravdanosti s obzirom na nepostojanje prijetnje i neprijatelja koji bi mogao ugroziti zapadni svijet. Mnogi teoretičari smatrali su da će NATO savez prestati da postoji i da takav savez više nema smisla, te da bi za sve države članice bilo najbolje da ne budu više dio njega. Deklaracijom o nezavisnosti usvojenoj u Skupštini Crne Gore 3. juna 2006. godine, Crna Gora se jasno opredijelila za evroatlantske integracije. Ulazak Crne Gore u NATO i EU predstavlja jedan od spoljnopolitičkih prioriteta Vlade Crne Gore. U momentu kada su sve zemlje Jugoistočne Evrope uključene u proces evroatlantskih integracija, opredjeljenje Crne Gore da bude dio regionalnih i međunarodnih sistema bezbjednosti (UN, NATO, EU i OEBS) realno je rješenje za dostizanje trajne stabilnosti i prosperiteta u regionu. Strateški cilj Crne Gore je izgradnja modernog funkcionalnog bezbjednosnog sistema koji ima mogućnost da odgovori na najefikasniji način izazovima, rizicima i prijetnjama države. Osnov svake države za njen put ka demokratizaciji društva, ali i članstvu u međunarodnim organizacijama predstavlja ustav. Kao najviši pravni akt jedne države neophodno je da sadrži sve norme koje će jasno ukazivati u kom pravcu država želi ići, kako se želi razvijati, te kakva načela u vezi sa ljudskim pravima i slobodama mora postaviti. Ustav Crne Gore ni u jednom svom dijelu ne dovodi u pitanje opredjeljenje Crne Gore za članstvo u NATO i EU. Ovo je veoma bitno ne samo sa ustavno-pravnog aspekta već i sa aspekta poštovanja međunarodnih standarda i normi koji važe u ostalim zemljama i predstavljaju standard demokratski razvijenih zemalja. Takođe, na ovaj način Crna Gora kao država pokazuje da bez obzira na promjenu vlasti, država ostaje privržena evropskim i evroatlantskim integracijama. U ovom momentu ovakvo određenje veoma je bitno i zbog svih ostalih aspekata koji bi eventualno mogli uticati na dalji put Crne Gore ka evroatlantskoj porodici. S obzirom na promjenu bezbjednosnog okruženja u Evropi i u svijetu, te poboljšanje bezbjednosne situacije ulaskom jednog broja istočnoevropskih država u EU i NATO, što je između ostalog zahtijevalo i reformu njihovih sistema odbrane u skladu sa standardima NATO država, postavlja se i pitanje buduće namjene odbrambenih kapaciteta Crne Gore.