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  • Rinkovec, Jasmina

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    Provider: - Institution: - Data provided by Europeana Collections- Platina (Pt), paladij (Pd) i rodij (Rh) smatraju se strateškim metalima zbog specijalizirane primjene u industriji kao i zbog značajne uloge pri radu automobilskih katalitičkih pretvornika čija je svrha smanjenje emisije plinovitih onečišćujućih tvari u zrak. Vrući ispušni plinovi koji prolaze kroz katalitičke pretvornike uzrokuju oštećenja tih sustava što dovodi do emisije Pt, Pd i/ili Rh u okoliš i povećanja njihovih razina u zraku. U ovom radu razrađena je metoda za određivanje Pt, Pd i Rh u lebdećim česticama u zraku primjenom spektrometrije masa uz induktivno spregnutu plazmu (ICP-MS). Postupak rada obuhvaćao je tjedno uzorkovanje lebdećih čestica na kvarcnim filtrima te mikrovalnu razgradnju u kiselini pod povišenim tlakom i temperaturom. Ispitana je prostorna i vremenska raspodjela Pt, Pd i Rh u frakciji lebdećih čestica PM10 (aerodinamičkog promjera <10 μm) na tri mjerne postaje (Sjever, Centar i Jug) u urbanom području. Izmjerene masene koncentracije na mjernim postajama bile su niske i iznosile su: 0,488-1,047 pg m−3 za Pt, 3,856-5,60 pg m−3 za Pd te 0,444-0,750 pg m−3 za Rh. Razine Pt, Pd i Rh statistički su se značajno razlikovale na mjernim postajama što je rezultat različite opterećenosti navedenog područja prometom. Na svim postajama pronađene su statistički značajne sezonske varijacije masenih koncentracija s najvišim vrijednostima izmjerenim tijekom zime.- Platinum (Pt), palladium (Pd) and rhodium (Rh) are considered strategic metals because of their specialized applications in industry as well as significant role in the work of automotive catalytic converters designed to reduce gaseous pollutants. The hot exhaust gases passing through the catalytic converters cause damage to these systems which leads to the emission of Pt, Pd and/or Rh into the environment and an increase of their levels in the air. We developed a method to determine Pt, Pd and Rh in the airborne particles by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). This included the weekly sampling of particulate matter on quartz filters and acid microwave digestion under elevated pressure and temperature. The spatial and temporal distributions of Pt, Pd and Rh in PM10 (aerodynamic diameter <10 micrometers) at three urban area stations (North, Center and South) were investigated. The measured mass concentrations of the metals at the monitoring stations were low: 0.488-1.047 pg m-3 for Pt, 3.856-5.60 pg m-3 for Pd and 0.444-0.0750 pg m-3 for Rh. Levels of Pt, Pd and Rh were statistically significantly different between the monitoring stations which is the result of different traffic loads at the stations. Statistically significant seasonal variations with the highest values during winter were found at all of the monitoring stations.- All metadata published by Europeana are available free of restriction under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. However, Europeana requests that you actively acknowledge and give attribution to all metadata sources including Europeana