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  • Granić, Marko

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    Provider: - Institution: University of Zagreb. School of Dental Medicine. Department of Oral Surgery. - Data provided by Europeana Collections- Svrha je istraživanja bila testirati mogućnosti uporabe specijaliziranoga računalnog programa za kompjutoriziranu analizu digitalnih RVG snimaka za pronalaženje regije interesa na sukcesivnim snimkama i za mjerenje srednjih vrijednosti zasjenjenja regije interesa oko implantata. Za tu se svrhu obradilo 180 digitalnih rendgenskih snimaka kod 60 ispitanika podijeljenih u dvije grupe po 30 ispitanika, kojima je gubitak jednog zuba u premolarnoj regiji gornje čeljusti nadomješten ugradnjom dentalnog implantata Nobel Replace Tapered Groovy (Nobel Biocare, Gothenburg, Sweden). Prvu skupinu ispitanika čine pacijenti kojima je implantat ugrađen imedijatno, odnosno neposredno nakon ekstrakcije zuba, dok su drugoj skupini ispitanika, koju također čini 30 pacijenata, implantati ugrađeni u formiranu alveolnu kost standardnom odgođenom tehnikom. Svim je ispitanicima 4-6 mjeseci nakon ugradnje implantata postavljena metal keramička krunica. Prije postave krunice implantati nisu bili funkcionalno opterećeni. Računalnim su se programom mjerile digitalne snimke svakog ispitanika regije interesa (veličine 0,5 mm x 0,5 mm i veličine 0,5 mm x 1,5 mm) na sedam mjesta oko implantata tri puta (nakon ugradnje, 4-6 mjeseci nakon ugradnje, odnosno postavljanja suprastrukture i nakon godinu dana). Za provjeru računalnog programa rezultati zasjenjenja su se uspoređivali s Osstell testom i kliničkim parametrima. Promjene razine zasjenjenja su se između skupina ispitanika pokazale statistički značajnima u smislu veće promjene zasjenjenja kod imedijatno ugrađenih implantata u odnosu na odgođenu implantaciju tijekom praćenja od godinu dana. Promjene razine zasjenjenja su korelirale s vrijednostima Osstell testa i parodontološkim indeksima. Pokazalo se da je za precizniji prikaz zasjenjenja kosti preporučljivo koristi veću regiju interesa (0,5 mm x 1,5 mm) u odnosu na manju (0,5 mm x 0,5 mm). Računalni se program pokazao pouzdani i objektivni parametar za praćenje promjena razine zasjenjenja u dentalnoj implantologiji.- The aim of this research was to test the possibility of the use of a specialized software for the analysis of digital RVG images to find the areas of interest on the successive images, and the measurement of average values of shading areas of interest around the implants. Materials and methods: One hundred and eighty digital radiographs were processed of 60 patients, divided in 2 groups of 30, whose lost tooth in the maxillary premolar region was replaced with a NobelReplace™ Tapered Groovy (Nobel Biocare, Gothenburg, Sweden) dental implant. The first group consisted of patients who received immediate implant placements following tooth extraction, while the other group of patients received their implant placements in healed sites. All patients received metal ceramic crowns four to six months after the implant placement. The implants were not exposed to functional loading prior to crown placement. The computer program was used to measure digital images of each patient's area of interest (sizes 0.5 mm × 0.5 mm and 0.5 mm × 1.5 mm) of seven areas around the implant at three time intervals (after the implant placement, 4-6 months after the placement of implant suprastructure and after one year). To verify the computer program evaluation, the results of shading areas were compared with Ossell test and clinical parameters. Results: Loss of a single implant has not been described. The results showed a significant increase of shading six months after the implant placement, which corresponded to the osseointegration, while a year after the implant placement a mild decrease in shading was observed, compared to the second measurement, which can be attributed to the functional bone remodelling after functional loading. Changes in the levels of shading monitored for one year between the groups of patients were statistically significant; greater changes in shading were observed in patients who received immediate implant placements following tooth extraction, compared to the patients with implant placements in healed sites. These changes correlated with the values of Ossell test and periodontal indices. There was no statistically significant difference related to average change in ISQ values between the immediate and delayed groups. Statistically significant correlations between smoking habits and changes in shading, Osstell test and clinical parameters were found. Conclusion: The computer program appeared to be a promising tool in finding the regions of interest in successive images, i.e. for measuring average values of shading of the areas of interest. Titanium implants for correction, i.e. standardization of images has proven satisfactory outcome in annulling the difference in the exposition of each image. For more precise representation of bone shading, the use of the larger area of interest (0.5 mm × 1.5 mm), compared to the smaller one (0.5 mm × 0.5 mm), is recommended.- All metadata published by Europeana are available free of restriction under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. However, Europeana requests that you actively acknowledge and give attribution to all metadata sources including Europeana