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  • Zlatanović Sanja


    Provider: - Institution: - Data provided by Europeana Collections- This study is based on multi-sited fieldwork carried out in southeast Kosovo (Gnjilane with its surrounding villages and Vitina enclave) and among persons displaced from this area to Smederevo, Vranje, and Vranjska Banja. The terrain was defined as a network of localities. Research, in the narrower context, was carried out between 2003. and 2006. The aim was to examine the relation between ethnic and other forms of identification (religious, regional, gender) in a context that had undergone profound change since 1999, when an international protectorate had been set up for the region. The focus was placed on ethnic and other collective identities constructions within the discourse of the community, seen in many aspects but most significantly, in discursive creation of others. Kosovo was populated by many significant others, close or distant, as well by those who could at the same time, be affiliated with both categories. Identity discourses about other / others represent a negative in regards to formation, shaping and expressions of various and leveled discourses of self-identification. In the post-war context, in radically changeable ethnic and social milieu, within the Serbian community several processes of articulation and re-articulation of identity are being open. The discourse about the other / others is part of a broader discursive identity complex, which encompasses other topics as well: the protectorate, everyday life in the enclave, migration, rapid changes in family structure and roles, the wedding, holidays of the calendar cycle, the role and importance of the Orthodox Church in the new context, etc.- Rad se zasniva na multilokalnom terenskom istraživanju srpske zajednice jugoistočnog Kosova (Gnjilane sa okolnim selima, enklava Vitina, raseljeni sa ovog područja u Smederevu, Vranju i Vranjskoj Banji). Teren je koncipiran kao mreža lokaliteta. Istraživanje, u užem smislu, obavljano je u periodu od 2003. do 2006. godine. Istraživanje je imalo za cilj da u situaciji duboko izmenjenog konteksta od 1999. godine i uvođenja međunarodnog protektorata na Kosovu sagleda odnos između etničke i drugih oblika identifikacija (religijske, regionalne, lokalne, rodne). U fokusu je konstrukcija etničkog i drugih oblika kolektivnog identiteta u diskursu pripadnika zajednice, koja se ogleda u mnogim aspektima, a jedan od glavnih je diskurzivno oblikovanje drugih. Na Kosovu je postojalo mnoštvo značajnih drugih, kako bliskih tako i dalekih, kao i onih koji su u isto vreme mogli biti i jedno i drugo. Identitetski diskursi o drugom / drugima predstavljaju negativ u odnosu na koji se formiraju, oblikuju i izražavaju različiti i slojeviti diskursi samoidentifikacije. U posleratnom kontekstu, radikalno promenjenom etničkom i socijalnom pejzažu, u okviru srpske zajednice otvaraju se procesi artikulacije i reartikulacije identiteta, i problematizuju se njegovi različiti oblici. Diskurs o drugom / drugima predstavlja deo šireg identitetskog diskurzivnog kompleksa koji sačinjavaju i druge teme: protektorat, svakodnevica u enklavi, migracija, rapidne promene u porodičnoj strukturi i ulogama, svadba, praznici kalendarskog ciklusa, uloga i značaj pravoslavne crkve u novom kontekstu, itd.- All metadata published by Europeana are available free of restriction under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. However, Europeana requests that you actively acknowledge and give attribution to all metadata sources including Europeana