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  • Škunca, Željka; Grey, Gelic

    Web Resource

    Difuzni B velikostanični limfom (engl. diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, DLBCL) je najučestaliji tip limfoma u bolesnika odrasle životne dobi. Zbog tako visoke zastupljenosti mi smo odlučili kod naših bolesnika ispitati prisutnost VEGFR2 i NF-ĸB, te ocijeniti njihov utjecaj na ishod kod bolesnika s DLBCL. Mi smo kod 99 bolesnika ispitali prisutnost tih tumorskih biljega, te abnormalnosti gena BCL2, BCL6 i c-MYC kod iste grupe bolesnika. Rezultati su pokazali da je kod imunohistokemijski određenih tumorskih biljega VEGFR2 i NF-κB koji se nalaze u citoplazmi i jezgri nađeno da samo NF-κB, koji je prisutan u citoplazmi ukazuje na značajno lošije preživljenje (p=0,037). Metodom FISH analize BCL2, BCL6 i c-MYC nije nađena značajna razlika u preživljenju među podgrupama DLBCL (p=0,714). Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is the most common type of lymphoma in patient's elderly population. With such a high representation we decided our patients asses the pressence of VEGFR2 and NF-ĸB and assess their impact on outcome in patients with DLBCL. We investigated in 99 patients the presence of tumor markers and abnormalities of genes BCL2, BCL6 and c-MYC in the same group of patients. The results showed that in immunochistochemical markers of tumor VEGFR2 and NF-ĸB which are located in the cytoplasm and in the nucleus was found that only NF-ĸB, which is present in the cytoplasm indicates a singnificantly worse survival (p=0.037). FISH analaysis of BCL2, BCL6 and c-MYC was not found significant differences in survival among subgroups of DLBCL (p=0.714).