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  • Kostić Branislava


    Provider: - Institution: - Data provided by Europeana Collections- The research subject in this paper, is the sustainable management of the media in terms of social conflicts and crises in the late twentieth and early twenty-first century: from the revolution in Romania (December, 1989.), which was a turning point for the role of media in social conflicts and crises, till December 2009. Social conflicts are here seen as an essential characteristic of the historical development of human society, which is not necessarily inherent to the human community at all levels of its development. The scientific objective of the research in this paper is the acquisition of new knowledge about current and possible impact of media management on humanization of human relations in the areas of prevention, outbreak, course and resolution of social conflicts and crises, which will prove the hypothesis set out in the paper. Realization of research that has its objective defined in such manner, necessarily starts on the analysis of the current activity of the media in social conflicts and crises, in order to come to projections of possible exposure. Social objective of this research is defining a Declaration proposal for sustainable media in terms of social conflicts and crisis, as a basis for discusion and creation of a draft for: a) behaviour codex of sustainable media in social conflicts and crisis; b) sustainable media management codex. General hypothesis, set out in this paper, states: "Sustainable management of media in social conflicts and crises can have a significant beneficial impact on the humanization of human relations in the areas of prevention, course and resolution of social conflicts and crises. Sustainable Management of the media can make a significant favorable impact on the degree of human rights and freedoms, reduction of violence and intensification of non-violent communication in social conflicts and crises, also the humane resolving of conflicts and crises and their preclusion." This hypothesis is divided into eight separate hypotheses, which have been proven through research that included: a) seven case studies, five of them related to media actions in terms (of latent and manifest) social conflicts and crises (1- Media presentation of 1. Gulf war; 2- Media actions during the crisis and conflicts in Estonia; 3- Ethnic conflicts and media actions in Moldova; 4- Ethnic conflicts in Armenia and media reports on subject; 5- Alleged massacre of 41 Serbian children in Borovo village), and two related on media presentation of conflicts that occur outside of home country of media and its auditorium (6- Photography as a symbol in presentation of conflict that occur outside home country of media and its auditorium; 7- Media presentation of Kunduz incident: 4th September 2009); b) content analysis of newspaper "Dnevnik" front pages, during 62 consecutive days (August, 1990. and January 1991), which was aimed to determine the method of operation of the media in the latent phase of the conflict; c) comparative analysis of action models of media management in terms of social conflicts and crises; d) analysis, definition and design of possible action plan for sustainable management of the media in order to prevent, humanize and overcome social conflicts and crises. It is here shown that: a) In terms of social conflicts and crises, the media cease to be mere purveyors of information and become direct participants in community events; b) The media influence the outbreak, course and resolution of social conflicts and crises; c) Managing the media in social conflicts and the crisis is directly dependant on the attitude of media management towards social conflicts in general and according to specific social conflicts and crises that the media present, d) Sustainable management of the media can significantly modify the common actions of media in social conflicts and crises; e) Sustainable management of the media can make a significant positive effect on the degree of respect for human rights and freedoms, reduction of violence and the intensification of non-violent communication before the outbreak of social conflicts and crises, during their lifetime and after the dismissal; f) Sustainable management of the media can contribute significantly to effective prevention of social conflicts and crises; g) Sustainable management of the media can make a significant favorable impact on the humane resolution of conflicts and. In addition, the paper proves: • That the methods of operation and influence of the media during the latent and manifest conflict phases; • That in stage of manifest conflict media can directly influence the course of the conflict and behavior of participants in the conflict, concluded with creating conditions for motivation of war crimes, • That media can significantly affect the attitude of domestic public toward conflicts and crises that occur outside home country of the media and its audience. Based on the conclusions, this paper proposes two innovative elements: a) "basic consensus minimum" (which is based on values that are independent of economic, ethnic, religious, or cultural characteristics of different parties, or those based on history, tradition and positions of power), as a new, humane and generally human, element for creating a baseline in the prevention of conflicts and their resolving b) the proposal of possible elements for future defining of sustainable management of the media, where sustainable media mean "free, independent, socially responsible, professionally and economically successful media, that base their actions on the right of every man to be well informed, educated, be familiar with all the relevant achievements of mankind throughout history and today, in a way that respects the right to diversity, including the right to use native language, right on dignity and dignifying life of every person, regardless of their ethnic, religious, political, gender, sexual orientation or another diversities, with the acceptance of the maxim that human rights are limited only by equal rights of other humans and the right of future generations to enjoy natural and artificial resources of our planet.- Predmet istraživanja, u ovom radu, je održivi menadžment medija u uslovima društvenih konflikata i kriza, krajem dvadesetog i početkom dvadesetprvog veka: od revolucije u Rumuniji (decembar 1989. godine), koja je predstavljala prekretnicu u pogledu uloge medija u društvenim konfliktima i krizama, do decembra 2009. godine. Društveni konflikti se u radu posmatraju kao bitna karakteristika istorijskog razvoja ljudskog društva, koja ne mora biti nužno imanentna ljudskoj zajednici na svim nivoima njenog razvoja. Naučni cilj istraživanja, u ovom radu, je sticanje novih saznanja o sadašnjem i mogućem uticaju menadžmenta medija na humanizaciju ljudskih odnosa u oblasti prevencije, izbijanja, toka i razrešenja društvenih konflikata i kriza, odnosno - dokazivanje hipoteza postavljenih u radu. Realizacija istraživanja koje ima ovako definisan cilj, nužno polazi od analize sadašnjeg delovanja medija u društvenim konfliktima i krizama, kako bi se došlo do projekcije mogućeg delovanja. Društveni cilj istraživanja je definisanje predloga Deklaracije o održivim medijima u društvenim konfliktima i krizama, kao osnove za diskusiju i definisanje osnovnih elemenata nacrta: a) kodeksa ponašanja održivih medija u društvenim konfliktima i krizama; b) kodeksa održivog menadžmenta medija. Opšta hipoteza, postavljena u radu, glasi: "Održivi menadžment medija u društvenim konfliktima i krizama može imati značajan povoljan uticaj na humanizaciju ljudskih odnosa u oblasti prevencije, toka i razrešenja društvenih konflikata i kriza. Održivi menadžment medija može izvršiti značajan povoljan uticaj na stepen poštovanja ljudskih prava i sloboda, smanjenje nasilja i intenziviranje nenasilne komunikacije tokom društvenih konflikata i kriza, kao i na humano razrešenje konflikata i kriza i njihovo predupređivanje." Ova hipoteza je raščlanjena na osam posebnih hipoteza, koje su dokazane kroz istraživanje koje je obuhvatilo: a) sedam studija slučaja, od kojih se pet odnosi na delovanje medija u uslovima (latentnih i manifestnih) društvenih konflikata i kriza (1- Medijska slika Prvog zalivskog rata; 2 - Delovanje medija tokom krize i konflikata u Estoniji; 3 - Etnički konflikti i delovanje medija u Moldaviji; 4 - Etnički konflikti u Jermeniji i medijski izveštaji o njima; 5 - Navodni masakr 41 srpskog deteta u Borovom Naselju), a dva na medijsku prezentaciju konflikata koji se dešavaju izvan matične zemlje medija i njegovog auditorijuma (6 - Fotografija kao simbol u prezentaciji konflikta koji se dešava izvan matične države medija i medijske publike; 7 - Medijska prezentacija incidenta u Kunduzu, 4. septembra 2009. godine); b) analizu sadržaja naslovnih strana lista "Dnevnik" tokom 62 uzastopna dana (avgust 1990. godine i januar 1991. godine), koja je imala za cilj utvrđivanje metoda delovanja medija u latentnoj fazi konflikta; v) uporednu analizu modela delovanja menadžmenta medija u uslovima društvenih konflikata i kriza; g) analizu, definisanje i projektovanje mogućeg delovanja održivog menadžmenta medija u cilju prevencije, humanizacije i prevazilaženja društvenih konflikata i kriza. U radu je pokazano da: a) U društvenim konfliktima i krizama mediji prestaju da budu samo prenosioci informacija i postaju direktni učesnici društvenih događaja; b) Mediji značajno utiču na izbijanje, tok i razrešenje društvenih konflikata i kriza; v) Upravljanje medijima u društvenim konfliktima i krizama u direktnoj je zavisnosti od stava menadžmenta medija prema društvenim konfliktima generalno i prema konkretnim društvenim konfliktima i krizama koje medij prezentuje; g) Održivi menadžment medija može bitno izmeniti do sada uobičajeno delovanje medija u društvenim konfliktima i krizama; d) Održivi menadžment medija može izvršiti značajan povoljan uticaj na st