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  • 14/01/1963
    Video Recording

    Extended description: Brucovanje študentov agronomije, ples. Plešejo twist, igra ansambel, poje Lado Leskovar, zaključek - nekateri spijo za mizo. Sezona letošnjih brucovanj se te dni končuje. V soboto je zadnjemu prisostvovala tudi naša kamera. V študentskem naselju so brucovali študenti agronomije. Letak, napisan v slovenščini, je obljubljal vsemogoče »ljubeznivosti za dušo in telo«. Kako je bilo, vedo najbolje povedati udeleženci. Ti so twistali, kolikor so jim dopuščale moči. Mi pa lahko rečemo samo to, da ni bilo prehudo. Glede na to, kakšna so bila lanskoletna in letošnja brucovanja nasploh mislimo, da so bili redni obiskovalci brucovanja celo nekoliko razočarani. Ni bilo običajnega spuščanja krvi, niti s stoli se niso pretepali. Res da je bil program slab; toda zakaj bi naj bil prav na zadnjem brucovanju dober. Marsikdo si je pozdravil gripo, toda v zameno je dobil mačka. Freshman year students in agronomy studies dancing the twist, ensemble playing, Lado Leskovar singing, and the closing of festivities - some have fallen asleep at the table. Freshman year period is ending soon. On Saturday, a television crew attended the last one in the Ljubljana region. Agronomy students arrange the festivity on the student campus. The leaflet, written in Slovenian, promised all kind of "kindness for heart and soul". Participant knows the best on how it really was. They were dancing as hard as they could. We (the television crew) can say only that it wasn't too much or too outrageous. Given what they looked like last year, this year's freshman year was in general a slight disappointment. No blood, not even chairs smashed or broken. It is true that the programme was bad, but why should it be any better at the very end of the festivities. Information: Freshman year festivity – agronomics students in 1963. Original language summary: Brucovanje študentov agronomije, 1963.