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  • Žic, Samir

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    Provider: - Institution: - Data provided by Europeana Collections- U ovom doktorskom radu razvijena je integralna metoda optimalnog upravljanja zalihama modernih dobavljačkih lanaca. Klasificirani su utjecajni čimbenici sustava upravljanja zalihama i to: model potražnje za proizvodima, sinkroniziranost radnog vremena, takt dobave proizvoda, minimalna veličina narudžbe i stav poslovnog sustava prema nedostatku traženih proizvoda. Temeljem klasificiranih čimbenika sustava upravljanja zalihama, određeni su čimbenici kvantifikacije pokazatelja sustava upravljanja zalihama i to: minimalan potreban broj dobava, prosječna veličina dobave, prosječna dnevna razina zaliha, koeficijent efekta biča, rizik naknadne dobave prvotno neisporučenih proizvoda, propuštena prodaja, troškovi sustava upravljanja zalihama bez popusta i troškovi sustava upravljanja zalihama s popustima. Novorazvijena metoda optimalnog upravljanja zalihama dobavljačkih lanaca dokazana je na 960 simulacijskih eksperimenata sustava upravljanja zalihama kojima su potvrđene sve tri hipoteze odnosno, (I) odabir strategije upravljanja zalihama dobavljačkog lanca može značajno utjecati na poslovne pokazatelje dobavljačkog lanca s potencijalno velikim prednostima prilikom odabira optimalne strategije, (II) da će se uz jednaku prosječnu potražnju, povećanjem kaotičnosti potražnje povećati i opterećenje sustava upravljanja zalihama i dobavljačkog lanca u cijelosti, te (III) da postojeći modeli, jednadžbe i algoritmi za određivanje potrebnih zaliha nisu dovoljno točni čime se smanjuje učinkovitost i povećavaju troškovi dobavljačkog lanca vezani za upravljanje zalihama.- An integral method for optimal modern supply chain management has been developed in this thesis. Influential factors of supply chain management have been classified as: model of product demand, synchronicity of working time, delivery time, minimal order quantity and implementation of backlogging procedures. Based on classified factors of inventory management, quantified factors of inventory management have been determined as: minimal number of deliveries, average size of delivery, average inventory level, coefficient of bullwhip effect, risk of delivery of backlogged products, lost sales, inventory management costs without discounts and inventory management costs with discounts. The new method of optimal inventory management in supply chains has been tested on 960 simulation experiments of inventory management system which confirmed all three hypotheses: (I) selection of supply chain inventory management strategy can have a significant influence on business performance indicators of the supply chain with potentially significant benefits when choosing an optimal strategy, (II) with the same average demand, increased demand uncertainty will increase the load on inventory management system and supply chain as a whole and (III) existing models, equations and algorithms for determining required inventory levels are not sufficiently accurate thereby, by using them companies risk reduced efficiency and increased supply chain costs related to inventory management.- All metadata published by Europeana are available free of restriction under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. However, Europeana requests that you actively acknowledge and give attribution to all metadata sources including Europeana