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  • 08/02/2010
    Video Recording

    Extended description: Človéška ríbica, tudi močeríl ali próteus (znanstveno ime Proteus anguinus) je dvoživka, ki živi v podzemnih vodah Dinarskega krasa od porečja reke Soče pri Trstu v Italiji, preko južne Slovenije in jugozahodne Hrvaške do reke Trebišnice v Hercegovini.2 Je edini evropski predstavnik družine močerilarjev (Proteidae), edini predstavnik rodu Proteus in edini jamski vretenčar v Evropi. Preostalih šest predstavnikov družine uvrščamo v rod Necturus. Živijo na vzhodu ZDA, kjer naseljujejo površinske vode. Večina sorodnikov močerila (močeradi in pupki, žabe) ima ličinke v vodi, po preobrazbi (metamorfozi) pa gre odrasla žival na kopno in ponovno odloži jajca v vodo. Močeril se ne preobrazi, je neotenična žival, kar pomeni, da še odrasel in spolno zrel ohrani nekatere mladostne (juvenilne) znake ličinke zaradi upočasnjenega telesnega razvoja. Ohrani zunanje škrge, škržne reže in kožo z mnogimi značilnostmi ličinke. Močeril je dinarski endemit, njegova razširjenost je torej omejena na Dinarski kras. Črni močeril pa je še ožji, verjetno belokranjski endem. Obenem je močeril relikt, torej ostanek neke favne, ki je naseljevala širše območje v davni preteklosti. (vir Wikipedia) The Olm, or Proteus (Proteus anguinus), is a blind amphibian endemic to the subterranean waters of caves of the Dinaric karst of southern Europe. It lives in the waters that flow underground through this extensive limestone region including waters of the Soča river basin near Trieste in Italy, through to southern Slovenia, southwestern Croatia, and Herzegovina.2 The olm is the only species in its genus Proteus, the only European species of the family Proteidae, and the only European exclusively cave-dwelling chordate. It is also occasionally called the "human fish" by locals because of its skin color, similar to that of white people (translated literally from Slovene: človeška ribica and Croatian: čovječja ribica), as well as "cave salamander" or "white salamander."3 In Slovenia it is also known by the name močeril, which translates as "the one that burrows into wetness."4 This animal is most notable for its adaptations to a life of complete darkness in its underground habitat. The olm's eyes are undeveloped, leaving it blind, while its other senses, particularly those of smell and hearing, are acutely developed. It also lacks any pigmentation in its skin. In contrast to most amphibians, the olm is entirely aquatic, and it eats, sleeps, and breeds underwater. It has 3 toes on its forelimbs, but 2 toes on its hind feet. It also exhibits neoteny, retaining larval characteristics like external gills into adulthood,5 like the American amphibians, the axolotl and the mud puppy. (Wikipedia) Information: Postojna Cave: proteus again on display in a natural water tank; statements by Slavko Polak and Matjaž Berčon. Original language summary: Postojnska jama: človeške ribice ponovno na ogled v naravnem akvariju; izjavi Slavko Polak, Matjaž Berčon.