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Faktor vpliva za serijsko publikacijo Fuzzy Information and Engineering za leto 2021

Leto 2021
Naslov serijske publikacije Fuzzy Information and Engineering
ISSN 1616-8658/1616-8666
Faktor vpliva 0.721

Uvrstitve Science Edition (SE)

2207 1710 2614 2604 2209 1702 2609
Control and Systems Engineering Information Systems Theoretical Computer Science Applied Mathematics Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering Artificial Intelligence Logic
Uvrstitev 158/269 223/356 91/125 391/585 178/334 197/281 26/34
Četrtina 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
IFx 1.072 1.184 1.252 1.039 0.904 1.562 1.084
IFmax 1. četrtine 5.929 17.091 7.650 7.182 4.537 21.170 2.021
IFmin 1. četrtine 1.444 1.527 1.380 1.267 1.197 1.788 1.413
IFmax 2. četrtine 1.414 1.522 1.370 1.264 1.196 1.787 1.400
IFmin 2. četrtine 0.846 0.890 1.001 0.911 0.779 1.097 0.958
IFmax 3. četrtine 0.844 0.887 1.000 0.909 0.769 1.091 0.932
IFmin 3. četrtine 0.522 0.532 0.702 0.619 0.426 0.656 0.721
IFmax 4. četrtine 0.507 0.527 0.698 0.616 0.424 0.655 0.709
IFmin 4. četrtine 0.011 0.004 0.034 0.018 0.006 0.047 0.100

Uvrstitve Social Science Edition (SSE)

Management Science and Operations Research
Uvrstitev 117/191
Četrtina 3
IFx 1.078
IFmax 1. četrtine 4.537
IFmin 1. četrtine 1.371
IFmax 2. četrtine 1.360
IFmin 2. četrtine 0.896
IFmax 3. četrtine 0.878
IFmin 3. četrtine 0.509
IFmax 4. četrtine 0.507
IFmin 4. četrtine 0.023
ID=416068 Kreiran 05.10.2023 SNIP::IZUM
100 a2021cFuzzy Information and Engineeringh335i31j0.721
110 f1616-8658
120 f1616-8658
200 e1616-8658
210 a1616-8666
300 c2207dControl and Systems Engineeringu158/269x1.072y0.522z0.8440315.92921.44431.41440.84650.84460.52270.50780.011
300 c1710dInformation Systemsu223/356x1.184y0.532z0.88703117.09121.52731.52240.89050.88760.53270.52780.004
300 c2614dTheoretical Computer Scienceu91/125x1.252y0.702z1.0000317.65021.38031.37041.00151.00060.70270.69880.034
300 c2604dApplied Mathematicsu391/585x1.039y0.619z0.9090317.18221.26731.26440.91150.90960.61970.61680.018
300 c2209dIndustrial and Manufacturing Engineeringu178/334x0.904y0.426z0.7690314.53721.19731.19640.77950.76960.42670.42480.006
300 c1702dArtificial Intelligenceu197/281x1.562y0.656z1.09103121.17021.78831.78741.09751.09160.65670.65580.047
300 c2609dLogicu26/34x1.084y0.721z0.9320312.02121.41331.40040.95850.93260.72170.70980.100
400 c1803dManagement Science and Operations Researchu117/191x1.078y0.509z0.8780314.53721.37131.36040.89650.87860.50970.50780.023