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Faktor vpliva za serijsko publikacijo Analysis and Mathematical Physics za leto 2022

Leto 2022
Naslov serijske publikacije Analysis and Mathematical Physics
ISSN 1664-2368/1664-235X
Faktor vpliva 1.336

Uvrstitve Science Edition (SE)

2602 2603 2610
Algebra and Number Theory Analysis Mathematical Physics
Uvrstitev 19/109 33/180 10/75
Četrtina 1 1 1
IFx 1.004 0.977 0.955
IFmax 1. četrtine 2.723 3.370 2.723
IFmin 1. četrtine 1.231 1.254 1.227
IFmax 2. četrtine 1.227 1.240 1.202
IFmin 2. četrtine 0.964 0.896 0.936
IFmax 3. četrtine 0.946 0.895 0.926
IFmin 3. četrtine 0.735 0.671 0.630
IFmax 4. četrtine 0.733 0.652 0.613
IFmin 4. četrtine 0.152 0.015 0.163
ID=433285 Kreiran 05.10.2023 SNIP::IZUM
100 a2022cAnalysis and Mathematical Physicsh857i150j1.336
110 f1664-2368
200 e1664-2368
210 a1664-235X
300 c2602dAlgebra and Number Theoryu19/109x1.004y1.231z2.7230112.72321.23131.22740.96450.94660.73570.73380.152
300 c2603dAnalysisu33/180x0.977y1.254z3.3700113.37021.25431.24040.89650.89560.67170.65280.015
300 c2610dMathematical Physicsu10/75x0.955y1.227z2.7230112.72321.22731.20240.93650.92660.63070.61380.163