Iskalna zahteva
48 49 50
zadetkov: 1.348
Št. Naslov serijske publikacije Leto ISSN Faktor vpliva
491. International Journal of Aerospace Psychology 2020 2472-1840/2472-1832 1.646
492. International Journal of Art and Design Education 2020 1476-8062/1476-8070 0.777
493. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 2020 1560-4292/1560-4306 2.408
494. International Journal of Assessment and Evaluation 2020 2327-7920/2327-8692 0.336
495. International Journal of Behavioral Development 2020 0165-0254/1464-0651 1.124
496. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 2020 1367-0050 1.869
497. International Journal of Bilingualism 2020 1367-0069 1.212
498. International Journal of Child Care and Education Policy 2020 1976-5681/2288-6729 0.446
499. International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction 2020 2212-8689 1.457
500. International Journal of Children's Spirituality 2020 1364-436X/1469-8455 0.425
48 49 50
zadetkov: 1.348