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zadetkov: 408
Št. Naslov serijske publikacije Leto ISSN Faktor vpliva
401. Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing 2000 1089-9472/1532-8473 0.024
402. Journal of Vascular Nursing 2000 1062-0303/1532-6578 0.519
403. Journal of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing 2000 1071-5754/1528-3976 0.401
404. Ambulatory Surgery 1999 0966-6532 0.217
405. AORN Journal 1999 0001-2092/1878-0369 0.352
406. Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing 1999 1089-9472/1532-8473 0.543
407. Journal of Vascular Nursing 1999 1062-0303/1532-6578 0.091
408. Journal of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing 1999 1071-5754/1528-3976 0.493
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zadetkov: 408