
New features COBISS+, V13.0

January 15, 2023

New features, bug fixes and updates

  • Change of reservation model for libraries with pickup locations: the best status from the department holdings is taken into account regardless of the material's accession number. 
  • Login with Google was updated, login with Facebook is no longer available. 
  • Display of the icon for the Material locator is linked to the model and the entry of data on the shelving location and/or material UDC.  

COBISS+ V12.0 new features

October 9, 2022

News, bug fixes and updates

  • Change of the reservation model for libraries without pickup locations; the best status from the department holdings is taken into account regardless of the material accession number. 
  • The new Book locator application was added to COBISS+ for a visual 3D representation of the location of the selected material on the library shelf. The application enables a simple map of the library space with elements such as shelves, book boxes, counters, tables, chairs and other elements, as well as a 3D display of the library space.
  • Improved display of organisations and variant headings, as well as a link to the SICRIS record, if it exists, for records in the CONOR database.

COBISS+ V11.0 new features

June 20, 2022

News, bug fixes and updates

  • My library was updated with the Delivery address tab, where the members can change the delivery address for reserved material with the pickup location »Delivery by mail«.
  • The records in COBIB and records for e-resources were updated with the PDF button with the link to the open access full text, if the record for this material is in the Unpaywall database.

New features COBISS+, V10.0

April 16, 2022

New features, bug fixes and updates

  • Changed domain or web address on the COBISS+ website, which now includes the country designation and the language designation.
  • Unpaywall database added with tens of millions of open access scientific articles with links to full texts.
  • My Searches – we have enabled you to freely name your saved searches. 
  • New citation formats added.

New features COBISS+, V9.0

November 21, 2021

New features, updates and supplements

  • The option to set the notification for performed or saved searches is added (i.e. Search alerts), which enables the user to receive a notification about new material for their search to their e-mail (weekly or monthly). Currently, only the beta version of this functionality is available. A list of notifications is available in the new tab My alerts when they login to My COBISS Profile.
  • Search by values within individual facets is enabled.
  • In the section Keep searching, the functionality All editions and translations is updated and the option All editions in this language is added.
  • We have renamed the SFX button to Full text, the WorldCat button is displayed if the record is displayed in the COMARC format.
  • We have updated and edited the display of records in the database SGC – COBISS.SI general list of subject headings.
  • We have updated the display of data for the Adligat records.
  • In the Material list in My library, the material titles in all tables (Loaned, Reserved, Other material and Online resources) are now connected with links.
  • The display of data from fields 856 is synchronized, for data from dCOBISS as well as from the ELINKS.SI database.

New features COBISS+, V8.0

June 4, 2021

New features, updates and supplements

  • For borrowed and/or reserved material, additional information about expected date after which the material will be available and the data about the position in the queue in case of reservation of the material are displayed.
  • Simplified loan procedure and the option of earlier return of audiobooks of the provider Audibook added.
  • When changing the membership card number, loan history is transferred to the new membership, too.
  • The display of additional text in the window for selecting the pickup location when reserving the material is possible.
  • New citation formats added.

New features in COBISS+, V7.13

March 28, 2021

New features, corrections and updates

  • Advanced search form updated and supplemented, the option of selecting filters in selected facets before the search was added.
  • The number of loans for an individual record updated, the option of selecting the time period was added.
  • The options of displaying a record in the selected citation formats and of exporting to BibTex and RIS without prior login to My COBISS profile added.
  • The display of the list of search results limited to the first 1,000 records or to 50 pages if the option of 10/page is set.
  • The option 100/page was added to the selection and setting of the display of the number of search results per page.

New features in COBISS+, V7.12

October 18, 2020

New features, bug fixes, and updates:

  • A new function Ordering material is added. The function is used for ordering articles and e-resources and is performed in the scope of interlibrary loan.
  • The performance of COBISS+ for the blind and partially sighted is improved.
  • The display of e-resources accessibility is updated.
  • The layout and contents of e-notifications received by the member from COBISS+ when registering or editing the password or e-mail in the library are updated (forgotten password for the My COBISS Profile, changing or entering the e-mail, online registration, creating a profile using and e mail).
  • Profile pictures or avatars are also visible and can be edited in COBISS+.
  • Deleting of loan history is enabled in My Library.
  • In advanced search, the use of the logical operator OR in the same search field is enabled.
  • The display of hyperlinks and documents for dCOBISS in the basic data of the material record is improved.

New features in COBISS+, V7.11

May 9, 2020

New features, bug fixes, and updates:

  • The COBISS+ menu bar is upgraded for an enhanced user experience.
  • The use of multiple filters simultaneously is enabled in facet limiting.
  • Export of material data into Excel without logging into My COBISS Profile is enabled for all databases within COBISS+ and e-resources.
  • My Libraries display has been enhanced and added under the search form when the user is logged into the My COBISS Profile.
  • Deletion of the telephone number for SMS notifications is available in My Library.
  • Early return of e-books from Biblos is enabled.

New features in COBISS+, V7.10

March 1, 2020

New features, bug fixes, and updates:

  • My COBISS Profile has been updated and renamed. Control for missing e-mail has been added. The e-mail is one of the key identifiers for logging into the My COBISS Profile.
  • E-resources records are added to the data export from My Library.
  • The facet Typology of documents/works added for searching in COBISS.
  • The facet Publication date added for searching in e-resources.
  • Procedure for borrowing e-books from Biblos is simplified.