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CONOR – Authority file for personal and corporate names

CONOR is an authority database containing author names (personal and corporate names).


CONOR contains authority records with data on personal names of authors. It is intended for authority control of personal and corporate names. Authority control is based on linking bibliographic and authority records.

Authority records include headings (accepted name forms) uniformly defined for the use in the entire cataloguing system and other data, e.g. variant headings, related headings, notes, etc. The database is updated daily for the purposes of shared cataloguing.

List of search prefixes and suffixes

List of search prefixes

By using the search prefixes you determine the search index you wish to search. Below is a list of search prefixes with their meaning and examples of use:

What does it mean?PrefixSearch example
Corporate nameCB=CB=UNITED*
Language of person/corp.LA=LA=slv
Location of meeting/addition to corporate nameCP=CP=Maribor
LC numberLC=LC=DLC
Personal namePN=PN=Kovič, Kajetan
Researcher codeAS=AS=05016
Institution/organisation codeFC=FC=3-101
Heading – personal namePH=PH=Prešeren*

List of search suffixes

When searching in the basic index, i.e. word search, you can add search suffixes to the words in order to limit the word search to an individual search index. Below is a list of search suffixes with their meaning and examples of use:

What does it mean?SuffixSearch example
Corporate name/CBmuseum/CB
Location of meeting/addition to corporate name/CPMaribor/CP
Personal name/PNKajuh/PN

A list of all prefixes and suffixes used in COBISS+ is published here.

A list of all prefixes and suffixes used in COBISS+ is published here.

Information on database and provider

Information on database:

  • Database type: authority
  • Coverage: data on personal and corporate names
  • Number of records: over 1,300,000
  • Updated: daily

Information on provider:

  • Provided by: IZUM – Institute of Information Science
  • Address: Prešernova ulica 17, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia
  • Telephone: +386 (0)2 2520 331
  • Fax: +386 (0)2 2524 334
  • E-mail:
  • URL:

Information on database:

  • Database type: authority
  • Coverage: data on personal and corporate names
  • Number of records: over 220,000
  • Updated: daily

Information on provider:

  • Provided by: VBS Centar
  • Address: Skerlićeva 1, 11000 Beograd, Srbija
  • Telephone: +381 11 2459 473
  • Fax: +381 11 2452 350
  • E-mail:
  • URL:

Information on database:

  • Database type: authority
  • Coverage: data on personal and corporate names
  • Number of records:
  • Updated: daily

Information on provider:

  • Provided by: VIBRS Centar
  • Address: Jevrejska 30, 78000 Banja Luka
  • Telephone: +387 51 215 859 lok.112
  • Fax: +387 51 217 040
  • E-mail:
  • URL:

Information on database:

  • Database type: authority
  • Coverage: data on personal and corporate names
  • Number of records:
  • Updated: daily

Information on provider:

  • Provided by: VBM Centar
  • Address: Bul. Goce Delčev 6, 1000 Skopje
  • Telephone: +389 2 3230 151, Ext. 200
  • Fax: +389 2 3326 846
  • E-mail:
  • URL:

Information on database:

  • Database type: authority
  • Coverage: data on personal and corporate names
  • Number of records:
  • Updated: daily

Information on provider:

  • Provided by: VBCG Centar
  • Address: Bulevar crnogorskih junaka br. 163, 81250 Cetinje
  • Telephone: +382 41 234 243
  • Fax: +382 41 234 243
  • E-mail:
  • URL:

Information on database:

  • Database type: authority
  • Coverage: data on personal and corporate names
  • Number of records: over 240,000
  • Updated: daily

Information on provider:

  • Provided by: NCC Centar
  • Address: Vasil Levski blvd.88, 1037 Sofia
  • Telephone: +359 (2) 946 10 81
  • Fax: +359 (2) 843 54 95
  • E-mail:
  • URL:

Information on database:

  • Database type: authority

  • Coverage: data on personal and corporate names

  • Number of records:

  • Updated: daily

Information on provider:

  • Provided by: ViBBiH Centar
  • Address: Zmaja od Bosne 8B, 71000 Sarajevo
  • Telephone: +387 33 275 436
  • Fax: +387 33 212 435
  • E-mail:
  • URL:

Information on database:

  • Database type: authority
  • Coverage: data on personal and corporate names
  • Number of records: over 40,000
  • Updated: daily

Information on provider:

  • Provided by: Shërbimi COBISS Shqiptar
  • Telephone: +355 068 200 15 49
  • E-mail:
  • URL:
Information on database:
  • Database type: authority
  • Coverage: data on personal and corporate names
  • Number of records: over 5,000
  • Updated: daily

Information on provider:

  • Telephone: +383 (0)43 509 419
  • E-mail:
  • URL: