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DOM/UKM – UKM local history database

DOM/UKM is a bibliographic database of local history in the area of Maribor and Northeast Slovenia.


This bibliographic database contains 136,177 records for local history for the periods from 1945 to 1963 and from 1986 to 2000. The database mainly covers records for articles (from newspapers, journals, newsletters, bulletins and proceedings); to some extent also for monographs and other publications, that are indexed according to a specific hierarchically arranged controlled vocabulary (thesaurus) containing geographic and topical subject terms..

List of search prefixes and suffixes

List of search prefixes

By using the search prefixes you determine the search index you wish to search. Below is a list of search prefixes with their meaning and examples of use:

What does it mean?PrefixSearch example
AuthorAU=AU=Katarina Šulek
Place of publicationPP=PP=Ruše
Publication yearPY=PY=1995
TitleTI=TI=Park dvorca dornava
Source titleSO=SO=Večer
RemarkSU=SU=Babičev mlin*
Key wordsGE=GE=Arhitektura
Document typeDT=DT=2
PublisherPU=PU=Cankarjeva zalo*

List of search suffixes

When searching in the basic index, i.e. word search, you can add search suffixes to the words in order to limit the word search to an individual search index. Below is a list of search suffixes with their meaning and examples of use:

What does it mean?SuffixSearch example
Source title/SOVečer/SO
Remark/SU(Anton* (W) Ingolič*)/SU
Key words/GEEtnologija/GE

Information on database and provider

Information on database:

  • Database type: bibliographic
  • Coverage: local history in the area of Maribor and Northeast Slovenia
  • Number of records: 136,177
  • Updated: no updating

Information on provider:

  • Provided by: Univerzitetna knjižnica Maribor, Enota za domoznanstvo (1986--2000)
  • Address: Gospejna ulica 10, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia
  • Telephone: +386 (0)2 25 07 434
  • Fax: +386 (0)2 25 27 558
  • E-mail: or
  • URL: