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CORES – Serials: editors, etc.

CORES is a specialised bibliographic database, which contains details on current and former editors and on other persons and corporate bodies participating in the creation of continuing resources (serials and other publications without planned end date of publication).


CORES contains data on continuing resources. One record exists for one continuing resource; the record contains basic identification data and statement of responsiblity data (e.g. editors, translators, reviewers, proof-readers, etc.). The CORES database is updated regularly for the needs of personal bibliographies management.

List of search prefixes and suffixes

List of search prefixes

By using the search prefixes you determine the search index you wish to search. Below is a list of search prefixes with their meaning and examples of use:

|What does it mean? | Prefix |Search example||-------------------|---------------------||Date of creation|DM=|DM=19980129||Last update date|DR=|DR=200901*||Corporate name|CB=|CB=Institut informacijs*||ISSN|SP=|SP=0011-1643||Keywords|KW=|KW=archeological||Author code|AC=|AC=340||Creator|CR=|CR=CORES LUCIJA||Publication year|PY=|PY=1957||Title|TI=|TI=acta chimica slovenica||Organisation's code|FC=|FC=1-001.01.01||Researcher's code|AS=|AS=00110||Editor/author|AU=|AU=Blinc, Robert*|

List of search suffixes

When searching in the basic index, i.e. word search, you can add search suffixes to the words in order to limit the word search to an individual search index. Below is a list of search suffixes with their meaning and examples of use:

|What does it mean? | Suffix |Search example||-------------------|-----------------------||Corporate name|/CB|institut(2w)znanosti/CB||Title|/TI|acta()chimica()sloveni*/TI|| Editor/author|/AU|blinc()robert*/AU|

Information on database and provider

Information on database:

  • Database type: bibliographic
  • Coverage: data on serials editors, etc.
  • Number of records: over 7,200
  • Updated: from time to time

Information on provider:

  • Provided by: IZUM – Institute of Information Science
  • Address: Prešernova ulica 17, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia
  • Telephone: +386 (0)2 2520 331
  • Fax: +386 (0)2 2524 334
  • E-mail: podpora@izum.si
  • URL: http://www.izum.si/